Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Thinker by name Schopenhauer wrote about women. That they are weaker gender. And that women have capacity to tell lies , to counter male physical power.
He said women are unjust. They are more likely to commit perjury. Since they are liars. Women are according to the philosopher must not be taken seriously as witnesses in cases before Court of Law.
Thoughts of Schopenhauer are very worrying. Coming from a respected man of letters.
One basic strength of Women is their charm. Men fall easily in the face of feminine presence. They may weep. Even beg on bended knees. Want to spend a fortune to possess female body.
In public masculinity of men appears overcoming. And renders women weaker.
Aside public view and at home women have demonstrable greater power over men. Certaintity of mother of a baby is one. That is very high. Whereas the father could be in doubt easily.
Babies are delivered directly from womb of mother. Through an outlet on her body. Biological father of a baby is never so certain. Superior insight a mother has on the real father of her baby is overwhelming. It subdues men. And could be used to manipulate husbands.
Clearly in many ways women are able to overcome male physical power. Due not to lies. But their very mesmerising nature.
Schopenhauer's speculations on women as dishonest due to weaker nature than men. And tell lies as defense mechanism against male phyisique is false , irrational and not rooted in basic observation of character of women.
Sane men and women may ignore the philosopher's notions , arguements and writings on women.

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