Sunday, September 21, 2014


Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was born on September 21 , 1909 in a village in
Ghana. He is celebrated on September 21 as founder of modern Ghana.
The day is a holiday in Ghana. Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was a
Marxist Revolutionary , foremost ant-colonialist and anti-imperialist.
He gained independence for Ghana , from British Colonialists. On the
day of independence on March 6 , 1957 the liberator said: "OUR
LIBERATION OF AFRICA ". Under his administration Ghana was a haven ,
for Liberation Movements in Africa and elsewhere. Leaders and fighters
were trained and equiped , for the freedom struggle against
colonialists and imperialists , for total emancipation of Africa.
Organization of African Unity (OAU) , now African Union (AU) , was
born and charged with developing ways for realizing truly independent
United State of Africa. The idea and the Organization were created ,
by Nkrumah with the help of other progressive Pan-Africanists. Ghana
became a show case. Many achievements were made in provision of
Education , Health Services , Water , Roads and Transportation ,
Energy , Communication and Housing. Education and Health Services were
free. Many significant Agricultural projects , Industries and
Technology were built , to satisfy basic needs of the people. New Sea
Port was constructed at Tema , near the Capital City of Accra. Tema a
modern housing estates and township , was created from scratch to
provide comfortable and affordable accomodation for workers at the new
harbour and surrounding areas. Tema housed Volta Aluminum Company ,
that used energy produced from Nkrumah's dream and man made lake. On
February 24 , 1966 on his peace misssion to Hanoi , Vietnam , during
the war there , he was overthrown in a CIA COUP.