Sunday, June 18, 2017


Transgender Operations involve violence , mutilation and destruction of genitals. It is Sensual Madnes.
Penis and Scrotum are removed. Then area is cut and turned into fake female sex organ. The bogus Vagina enables two men to engage in strange sensual activity.
Agitation for such transformation is rooted in confusion , disorientation and sex mania. Unfortunately children are being pushed into this unethical surgical procedure by some parents. With support from government. In Australia a four year old has received government pschological and other help. To prepare the innocent to be violated , mutilated and cut into fake female with fake Vagina.
One wonders the sense in making a child at four or older suffer Transgender Transformation. Where is Civil Society and enemies of Circumcision. Where are those Soft Power NGOS that deliberately and immorally label Female Circumcision as Female Genital Mutilation.
Circumcision male or female is neither Genital Violence nor Mutilation. Sex Change real Genital Destruction and Madness that must cease. It has no sane benefit. The Operation is useless , immoral and unhealthy.
Sex Change is anti-social , damaging to Society and especially the victims. Doctors associated with the procedure must be unethical , unstable and mercinary. They are weird with insatiable appetite for Unnatural Sensual Activities.
There may be something very wrong with all who encourage and support Same Sex , Homosexuality and Transgender Life Style. Society needs to be compassionate to victims of artifical sex. But the strange sensual appetite must be condemned. To prevent others from falling into great danger of Unnatural Sensual Life.

1 comment:

  1. Supporters of Sex Change , Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage are here invited. To let all know whatever is good , healthy and fine about what they accept and encourage.
