Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Humankind appears same in many ways. And must emanate from same source. However some part of Humankind conduct themselves in a manner that may put to lie the idea that all are one and same from same source.
God created man and woman. And all that exists according to Scripture. That all reflect essence of the creator.
Evil people exist. God is not Evil. Hence those who reflect Evil must emanate from elsewhere. Satan is very opposite nature of God. Hence really Evil elements are of Satan , grestest enemy of God.
God is the Source of Being. Satan is part of Being. But a fallen angel once closest to God. Evil elements reflect Satanic Nature. They must be seen as once not Evil. But for some reason fell like their master the Satan. And be like Satan.
Humankind is greatest violator of Law of Being. God is Love. Unconditional Love is highest virture. Therefore the Law of Being or Law of Existence has to be consistent with Love , Unconditional Love.
All other creatures , animals and plants are in harmony with Law of Existence. And do as they are made to do. It is not strange that Scripture tells us to look ants and learn from their ways. That they exhibit much sense good for all.
Arrogant Humankind deceiue themselves and claim superiority over Animals and other elements in nature. Animals and all creatures have their senses intact as they are at peace of the Law of Existence. In the case humankind peace has eluded humankind. Wars , chaos and misery have become daily diet. Man and Woman can commit suicide for whatever reason. Such characters who could hate themselves. To the extent of ending it all by taking their own life must not find it difficult to destroy their neighbour easily. Hence turmoil everywhere among peoples.
Scripture has indicated that God regretted at a point making man and woman.

1 comment:

  1. Animals and all others must be better and more useful than humans. Since of all in nature humans are enemies of themselves. They have kicked against the very Law of their Existence. And fallen into great misery , confusion and doom.
