Tuesday, June 27, 2017


  • Living and the Dead are in conflict and harmony at different moments of existence.
The living appears uncaring and indifferent to neighbours. But very useful and loving to the Dead.
Dead men and women who community or families deemed helpful whilst alive are venerated , worshipped and invoked to save community and families. From hardships , diseases and disasters.
These Ancestors are dead persons who died in very old age and not in distress or in an accident.
They led exemplary lives and contributed to peace , harmony and prosperity of their families and communities.
Ancestors are saints with miraculous powers to heal and destroy. They are worshipped. In various societies to gain favour from them. And venerated to teach members of society the need to be good , useful and exemplary during life.
Spirits of are  believed to be in close proximity with the living. Overlooking and directing affairs. Without their timely interventions many unfortunate situations could make life difficulty.
They bring rain , reduce and eliminate poor harvests and famine. Inspirational to greater achievements. And necessary for cohesion and sanity of families and communities.
Christianity paradoxically condemns this type of Worship apart from their kind of Spirit Worship. Worshipping , venerating and praying to Jesus the Christ fits well with tenets of Ancestral Worship.
But Christians may describe Worshipping the Christ as different. Because the object of worship is God , the creator of all men and women and others in nature. It may therefore not be totally unsafe to state that Christianity embodies Ancestral Worship. Since God , became Human through Incarnation of Jesus the Christ. And died for all. Jesus Christ represents ancestor of all believers. And not tha of a particular community or family.

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