Friday, June 23, 2017


FACEBOOK COMMUNITIES SUMMIT in Chicago saw Mark Zuckerberg , founder of Facebook , stating that Facebook has changed its mission from Connecting Known Persons to Getting The World Together. And they are working to realizing the New Mission.
Interesting conclusions come from the Summit. Facebook and Zuckerberg have no understanding of Social Media. That the World is brought together into a Point Space. Due to Instant Messaging , engine behind Social Media. And that no person or group can change the NEW POINT SPACE WORLD.
Where all humankind are face to face in real time. Discussing and interacting together. Making Omini-presence real and meaningful , escaping spiritual interpretation of the concept.
For years Facebook has stuck to myopic view of itself. That it exists to connect known friends , work and class mates. It stupidly punished and disabled accounts of Facebookers for attempting to make new friends using Facebook.
Facebook as part of Social Media naturally implies Getting The World Together. Unfortunately Zuckerberg and Facebook thought they could manipulate Social Media and restrict it to connecting known elements. Instead of connecting known and unknown elements or peoples.
Mark Zuckerberg should have been humble enough at the Summit. And apologized to all offended by restricting use of his number Social Media platform for making new friends around the World and promoting the essence of Social Media. As a medium where all humanity are free and empowered to interact in real time under the magic of Instant Messaging.
Social Media cannot be changed by mission statements. It is maker of a Point Space World for all irrespective training , culture and position in Society. Low and High , Great and Small , Powerful and Weak and Religious and Atheists meet , exchange ideas and work together.

1 comment:

  1. The Global Village Concept of the Worid is outmoded. It is replaced by a Point Space Reality. Which is far smaller than a Village. Yet big and wide enough to contain all humanity. In an Ominipresence sense due to Insant Messaging the engine behind Social Media. Social Media is responsible for bring all known and unknown together in real time and in virtual space , face to face , for discussions and interactions.
