The Tent of Worship or Tabernacle had a special Inner Room called Holy of Holies. It was a very sacred part of the Tabernacle. There the Glory of God appeared.
Only the High Priest could enter the Inner Room. Once every year he prayed and made sacrifices there. For forgiveness of Sins of Israel , the Children of God. Sacrifices included slaughtering of Amimals and burning of Grains and Animals for atonement of Sins of the peoples.
God in His Infinite Wisdom and Love sent Jesus Christ to the Earth. The Incarnation came to atone for the SIN Of the World. Once and for all. On the Cross undergoing humiliating and excruciating Death Master Jesus said IT IS FINISHED. And died.
Immediately pitch darkness appeared and the Veil at the door way to the Holy of Holies got torn into two and exposed the place to the public. Signifying end of HIGH PRIESTHOOH.
Wages of Death. Death and Resurrection of Lord Jesus showed His Power over Death and Sin. He never sinned. Yet He Died for the Sin of the World. Jesus offered Himself , Pure , Blameless and Sacrifice to God. For Atonement and Forgiveness of Sin of the World.
By His Death and exposure of Inner Sanctum of the Tabernacle , all true believers have direct access to God's Gloria through the Christ. No more human intermediary between God and true Believers. Since High Priesthood died with the Death on the Cross.
All true believers are part of the NEW PRIESTHOOD. Each have unimpeded access to God via Jesus the Christ. Anyone who carries himself as a pastor/prophet , man and woman of God is fake. The fake men and women of God are everywhere deceiving and going against World of God. Just to cheat followers and impouerish them spiritually and physically.
The need to expose and reject the charlatans is very necessary. They must be totally condemned.
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