Thursday, December 20, 2018


December 19 shall remind many the day American President Donald Trump came to his senses. And ordered pull out of Univited US Soldiers inside Syria. Americans have been there training , arming and supporting ISIS , Al Qaeda and other Terrorist Militia against Syrian peoples and their legitimate leaders in government. Invitation to Russia , by Syrian President Bashir Assad , to stop Terrorists' brutalities in Syria have enabled Syrian Army to defeat US backed Terrorists who had previously captured and controlled large portions of Syria under a Caliphate , Islamic Rule and Law. Syrians with alternative views to ISIS/Al Qaeda Terrorists were beheaded , stabbed and burnt alive to death. Many were also hanged in public for opposing the Terrorists. Women and children were raped , tortured and made sex slaves by the Islamic Terrorist Militia under American influence and support. Yesterday Trump falsely claimed American victory for defeat of Terrorists in Syria. And then ordered American forces to leave Syria , starting with State Department officials. Who include US Mercinaries and CIA agents. Today warmongers in government , Senate and Congress and at Pentagon are up in arms against the pull out. They are shocked and are determined to delay total withdrawal of unwanted US destabilization Troops in Syria. War is a racket. It is a secret agenda by Pentagon and their friends in government and big business to make huge profits. From arms procurement , payments to Mercinaries and Companies that supply war and personal needs of fighting Soldiers. They make further gains looting wealth of War torn areas. Much of wealth of Iraq , Libya , Afghanistan and Syria have already been stolen by US Warmongers. Leaving Syria will deprive them of profits from War. That is the more reason why the War Profiteers are very unhappy.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


What sense does it make to have Prime Minister Theresa May negotiate Exit Deal with EU for BREXIT. She has openly stated she voted to REMAIN in EU in the BREXIT Referendum. Such anti BREXIT and REMAIN leader cannot genuinely do favourable DEAL for BREXIT with EU. It is not surprising she is afraid to subject her EXIT DEAL for parliamentary approval. And has suspended needed vote on the DEAL. May disallowed the vote which was to take place last Tuesday. Reasoning that it will be rejected. And that she has to make further contacts with EU leaders. To elicit changes in the EXIT DEAL. To satisfy majority vote supporting it. Yesterday an attempt at removing her from office with No Confidence Vote failed. With 200 parliamentary and Cabinet members of her Conservative Party against her removal. And 117 for her removal from office. Results of No Confidence Vote by her party now give her a year to stay as Prime Minister before another attempt to oust her from office. Today Theresa May has gone to do further bargaining with EU leaders. Aimed at extracting improved EXIT DEAL from them. Even before her visit , EU had indicated present Withdrawal Document is final. They are unwilling to make legal changes to please BREXIT. Only assuarances are expected to be made by the EU. On certain controversial aspects of the DEAL. Parts that seem to tie BREXIT indefinately to to some EUROPEAN UNION control and direction. Agitation for vote on the Document next week is coming from many. What next if EXIT DEAL with or without changes is rejected ? To May that could mean BREXIT with No DEAL , No BREXIT at all or New REFERENDUM on BREXIT. There is no moral sense for a second vote on BREXIT or REMAIN. No BREXIT will be anti Democratic and unacceptable to BREXIT supporters. BREXIT without DEAL is far better than BREXIT with BAD DEAL.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


The people have voted for BREXIT in a Referendum. March 29 , 2019 is expected to see UK out of EU. Today exit deal from EU failed to be rejected or accepted in a vote in parliament. Because Prime Minister May felt the Deal would be rejected. In other to reduce areas of discord in the Exit Deal she is visiting European leaders today. For a way of making the document acceptable to a good number of parliamentarians. And the peoples in UK. REMAIN voters are attempting to steal the Referendum Result. By making it appear there must be new Referendum on EXITING or REMAINING in EU. Instead of peoples vote on just the Exit Deal. And to determine if the people want Brexit based on present controversial Deal or without deal acceptable to EU. One wonders the nonsense over Brexit with good EU Deal. EU must not determine the Will of UK. Once Bsexit is what is desired by the people , there should no unnecessary attempts at existing EU and at the same time enjoy EU policies. Brexit is a clear vote against EU. And desire of UK to go on its own way. Have its destiny untied to EU. Fighting over good or bad deal with EU before UK breaks away with rejected EU is irrational , nonsense and irresponsible. Nation worth its salt does not want enslavement by any other. Self determination makes good sense. It is morally sound and satisfying to needs of sane , bold and proud peoples. The British have always thought they are wiser. And always want to harvest what they have not planted. Dishonest British character shows clearly in all the debate over favourable exit deal with EU. EU is not stupid to allow UK to leave EU and enjoy benefits of being part of EU. British nonsense of attempting to eat cake and have it must give way to sanity. What is rejected by BREXITis not suitable. It cannot be suitable to BREXIT at the same time.

Monday, December 10, 2018


  • Big Bang Theory starts from a very dense point at very high temperature. To the Theorists the point expanded for a while , cooled and subatomic particles appeared. Then atoms and gases such as Hydrogen and Helium formed. The gases and particles , according to the theory of Big Bang , combined in some forms. And produced Galaxies. Galaxies are moving away from each other at a rate. Which confirms expanding Universe. Observed conditions and rate of expansion of Universe when extrapolated backwards in time give calculated value of about 13 billion years as possible start of Big Bang. This does not determine age of existence or being. Because what existed before Big Bang is unknown by present level of knowledge and competence in Physics , Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity. Whatever existed before Big Bang must be Self Created. This entity is God , First Cause or Source of Existence or Being. Big Bang is incompetent , irrational and useless to explain existence and its Origin. Observable Universe is Subject Matter of Big Bang. The Theory is a Model attempting to explain Observable Universe. Unobservable Universe is outside domain of Big Bang. However Existence is both observable and unobservable. Material and Immaterial or Physical and Spiritual. For example Brain is a Material Substance. Whilst Idea connected with the Brain is Immaterial. Nature of God falls into domain of Theology and Philosophy. Two main Schools of thought exist in relationship to what constitutes primary Reality ? Which comes first Brain (Matter) or Idea (Immaterial/Spirit). Is Matter/Brain product of Spirit/Idea or Spirit product of Matter ? Answers to these Philosophical Questions identify Idealists and Materialist Schools. Idealists take Spirit as primary Reality. Whilst Materialists take Matter as primary Reality.

Friday, December 7, 2018


Planned fuel tax increases in France has pulled weekly demonstrations against the government of president Macron. Protesters are in Yellow Vests demanding no such increases. Which to them will worsen the plight of workers and the poor. Students , bus drivers and progressives are involved in the marches. Last week the protests became very violent and some people died. Over 400 protesters were arrested. And more than 100 were injured in a confrontation between the Police and Yellow Vest Movement. Tomorrow Saturday Demonstrations are going to be very massive according leaders of the Movement. Government has already decided not to increase fuel taxes until further notice. Despite the suspension of planned fuel taxes demonstrators are still bent on marching on Elysee , Presidential Palace , tomorrow. Thousands are expected to participate in Saturday's stand off with government forces. Government has rallied Tens of thousands of police throughout France to prevent nation wide protest from getting out of hand. There is indication that the demonstrators are not satisfied with Macron Government and its policies. The demonstrations under leadership of both left and right of centre activities are determined to overthrow the government of France. Government officials have already condemned attempts by revolutionaries to bring down Macron and his government. Government has vowed to use necessary force to prevent the protesters from continuing to burn down state properties and institutions and cause further deaths tomorrow. Will Macron survive the anger of determined demonostrators bent on sending a signal that the government is not above the people. That it must be responsive to needs of the people they represent in government. The French are known for being revolutionary in causing changes in their interests.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Handwritten letter of Einstein to German Philosopher Eric Gutkin in 1954 was few days ago auctioned for 2.9 million US Dollars. The one and half page letter contained speculations on God , Religion and the Bible. Einstein wrote God is expression and product of Human weakness. He said the Bible is Venerable Stories of primitive nature. And to him Religion is incarnation of primitive superstition. The Jewish Scientist added though his mentality is deeply rooted in his Jewish origin , Jews and their Religion like all others are the same. And non is superior to the other. It must be noted that Einstein is celebrated as greatest Physicist of 20 th Century. For his Energy-Mass Equation. Which is E=M(C^2). Where E is Energy , M is Mass and C is velocity of Light. Einstein is unqualified to make much sense speculating on God and Religion. Physics is experimental Science with Scientific Method that is subjective and defective. Even Mathematics and Astronomy , the only two pure knowledge (Scientia or Science) fail to make real sense with respect to Theology. Einstein's character deformity , dishonesty and lack of integrity , must have influenced his negative notions of God and Religion. Einstein doctored his Equations predicting Expanding Universe. By injecting a fake Constant into them. And forcing the Equations to predict Static Universe to fit prevailing views of Static Universe. Further Astronomical Research of others confirmed Expanding Universe , Galaxies moving away from each other. Einstein later regretted and wrote his greatest mistake was introducing his fake Constant. And rejecting correct results of his Equations showing Expanding Universe for fake Equations showing Static Universe. Einstein the fraudster and dishonest man of Science must not be taken seriously always. Especially on God and Religion.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Die-hard Putin fanatic and Volunteer in the War for liberation from Kiev in the east of Ukraine wrote on my Facebook Timeline. That he does not follow(admire) Trump and has never followed(admired) Trump. He then shouted at me: You stupid Mother Fucker. In response he was told his great admirer/supporter Vladimir Putin stupidly follows Donald Trump. Despite Trump regularly slapping punitive economic sanctions against Putin and Russia. It was suggested Putin was following Trump in an attempt to secure a safe haven in America. To enable Putin and his friends in Kremlin invest their illgotten wealth in American Big Business. This freedom fighter and Volunteer immediately spirited away on reading the response to his post , by blocking me. Thus removing his post and the replies to it. Words in the responses murdered a brave man , unafraid of guns and ready to die for a just cause in eastern Ukraine. The post on my Timeline was a reaction to Facebook Comment where Fanatical followers of Putin were described as irrational. Just before 2016 US presidential elections Facebook Groups supporting Putin and Russia wished Trump victory over Hillary. Trump was perceived irrationally as friendly to Putin and Russia from Trump campaign rhetoric. And Hillary an enemy to the two. Putin not Trump was implicit in the post on the Timeline. How could greater admirer of Putin who greatly admirers Trump be anti Trump and still very pro Putin. To us it is irrational to follow fanatically Putin and not Trump. The rumaway fighter is TEXAS on Facebook.

Monday, December 3, 2018


In 2016 before US presidential contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump many pro Putin and Russia Online Groups , especially ones on Facebook were full of condemnation against Hillary. They saw her as anti Russia and Putin. And supported wildly , happily and wished Trump to win. Trump throughout the presidential Campaigns had indicated in speech his desire to move America closer to Russia and Putin. Russian State Media such as RT , SPUTNIK and TASS spewed propaganda in favour of Trump. They painted Trump reliable , peacemaker and friendly to Kremlin. Who must win for better US and Russia relations. For peace and harmony in the World. Trump had time to condenn US Wars around the World , wastage of US Funds on useless programmes and Charities. Whilst Americans gain nothing but increasing poverty and unemployment. Trump's rhetoric on America First endeared him to his peoples. He eventually defeated Hillary , Warmonger and Anti-Russia candidate , and became president of USA. Democratic Party of Hillary continues to blame her defeat on Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential contest. Where just before voting leaked personal Emails allegedly by Russian Cyber experts painted Hillary very badly to Americans and the World. Trump has only not failed to make friends with Putin and Russia. He has rather used every opportunity to humiliate and attempt to weaken Putin and Russia with unprovoked punitive economic sanctions. Despite abruptly refusing to meet Putin for slightest of excuses and increasing sanctions slapped on Kremlin , Fanatical followers of Putin irrationally still support moves by Putin to get closer to US via Trump. Planned Trump and Putin Meeting in Argentina , during G20 Conference , was cancelled by Trump. For Putin stopping provocative Ukraine War Ships invading Kerch.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Russian president Vladimir Putin is forcing to make friends with America via Trump. Despite US and Trump slapping punitive economic sanctions reguarly against Putin and Russia. For no sane justification. Apart from attempting to demoralize , weaken and eventually ovethrow leadership in Kremlin. And replace leadership with their favourites. Who are traitors of Mother Russia and mercinaries for American interests. Putin appears to think that by wanting to be closer to America through friendship with Trump he could abort open Regime Change agenda of US in Russia. Putin is chief representative of pro Capitalist and anti Socialist Russian elite. They are very corrupt , shameless and parasitic beneficiaries of US destruction of Soviet Union. They are behind all Putin attempts to be friend Trump. To enable them gain safe haven in decadent America. To invest their illgotten wealth in American big business. And make further exploitative gains to increase their wealth. Putin openly said not very ago to please Capitalist America. That he never like Socialism , whilst he was a prominent Spy Master under Soviet Union. His intelligence gathering activities covered Europe. And was stationed in Germany. The Russia peoples have revolutionary energy. They are capable of making history again. By rejecting fake miracle medicine , named Peristroika and Glasnot. For solution of all their challenges , woes and aspirations under Russian Federation. Since the demise of Soviet Union few connected elements have made unbelievably huge wealth. Whilst majority of fine and hardworking Russians are struggling to make life meaningful , secure and happy. Fear has engulfed many. And are unable to be themselves. The C6System has silenced real , dynamic opposition to bad governance and economic mismanagement.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


  • The average Russian today is more fearful , uncertain and reluctant to express candid views in public , online and elsewhere. Russians since break up of Soviet Union have been deceived to look up to America for examples in living. Many have been exposed to pseudo US glamour , high life and fake Western freedom and justice. Perestroika and Glasnot were falsely painted as magic medicine for Russian development and progress. Soviet Russia achieved more progress , development and prosperity in less than 70 years after the Revolution than what America and Europe had made over 500 years , using mostly brute force and slave labour. Anti Socialist leaders of Kremlin now are anti people , very corrupt and wish to have cozy relationship with decadent America. Putin is chief representative of anti Socialist and pro Capitalist leaders in Russia. He is humiliating himself and Russians to make friends with Trump , hoping to find safe haven in USA. For stolen wealth of good peoples of Russian Federation. Most Russians are brutalized with fear of arrest and imprisonment for promoting alternative views and programmes to that of corrupt elite leadership in Kremlin. Putin consistenly appears in controlled surveys as very popular. Poll results are based on fear than genuine support. No sane room for dissent and opposing groups to operate in Russia. The people are not even really interested in government and politics. They are more concerned about bread and butter issues. How they are going to survive under massive corrupt state apparatus is their main challenge. Recent attempts to increase pension age to 65 for men and about 60 years for women is indicative of poor economic management of abundant resources in Russia. Russian life span is below 60 years. That means the state cleverly wants to steal workers' pensions.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Putin must be sensible and stop following unreliable Trump. There is nothing good expected from meetings between Trump and Putin. Putin appears very foolish each time Trump slaps sanctions against Russia under Putin. And Putin still continues to be friend Trump and entertain suggestions from Trump for meetings and dialogue. America , Trump and Western allies such as UK , France and others are bent on doing all to discredit Putin and destroy Russia. Vladimir Putin must be a total disgrace , sick and stupid. He entertains US under Trump despite further US and EU Sanctions against Putin and Kremlin. For Crimea breaking away from Ukraine. And freely joining Russian Federation. Putin irrationally and shamelessly humiliated himself and Russia at UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL meeting. Where American and EU instigated evil Sanctions against DPR of Korea for its Nuclear Development Effort was supported by Putin. At a time Putin himself and Russia were under harsh American economic Sanctions. What on this planet is Putin afraid of and makes him so very subservient to Trump administration. Putin must learn fast. That he is weakening power and influence of Russia by his cowardice and friendship with Trump. In the face of unprovoked US and EU aggression and punitive Sanctions against Kremlin. Russia must be anti US and defender of peace , harmony and progress in the World. Russia is better off with enemies of America. And together resist America and its allies. Who are so very determined to enslave the World for their selfish , greedy and immoral advantage. Russia together with China , Iran and DPR of Korea and others are capable of making America and allies ineffective. The US Dollar must be ditched by Russia and its allies. To cripple US dominance in international trade and world financial transactions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Many Jews were said to have been exterminated in Gas Chambers in Poland and elsewhere in Europe. Estimates of victims vary. Those who appear to want to profit from that sad event claim about six million Jews died in concentration camps in Europe. In some places denying the Holocaust is a crime , described as anti Semitism and punishable by jail term. Why people are being forced to accept and not reject details of mass murder of Jews in history is strange , irrational and against freedom of expression. Hundreds of millions of Africans perished during Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. Nobody is punished for denying reality of Africans chained in groups together , kept like Sardines inside dark and crowded arches in slave ships and exported into harsh plantations in strange lands. Those responsible for such activities were European Colonialists and Slave Merchants. Millions turned slaves were raped , dehumanized and forced to work on sugar and other plantations. With just enough diet. For further daily exploitation that covered hundreds of years of cruel , brutal and inhumane servitude under European and American Slave Owners. Holocaust pales into insignifance compared with suffering , deaths and inhumane treatment of victims of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. Even today decendants of slaves who built , developed and made Europe and America wealthy are under new forms of bondage. They are discriminated against , suffer racist abuse and are poorest of the poor. They live in dirty and rat infested holes as homes. Many have no good and profitable means of livelihood. Children of Slave Fathers and Mothers are subjected to police violence and tainted with criminal records. For crimes they did not commit. System is arranged forcing children of African Slaves to continue what their parents were forced to do for the Masters.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


President of Ukraine , neo-nazi and pro Bandera facist , is a slave to America and EU. America and EU sponsored revolt against pro Russian government in Kiev. And then installed Poroshenko regime in Ukraine. Crimea in a free and fair referendum voted massively to breakaway from Ukraine and joined Russian Federation. Crimeans are ethnically Russian and are very comfortable in Russia. Russia has very important Military Bases in Crimea. Enemies of Russia , America and EU , thought installation of anti Russian regime in Kiev under western lackey Poroshenko and his pro Bandera friends could make it easy for US , EU and NATO to deprive Russia free access to its Bases. That plot failed with Crimea voting to be part of Russian Federation. Since the referendum Ukraine has been in great turmoil. Minority ethnic groups in eastern Ukraine are at war with Kiev for self-determination. American led Western sanctions against Kremlin and Putin have not succeeded to weaken Russia. EU and American military arms deals with Ukraine have increased. NATO provocations near Russian border with Ukraine have been fruitless. Few days ago Poroshenko regime ordered 3 Ukraine War Ships into Kerch in violation of Russian spaces. The 3 ships were cautioned and asked to leave the area. On refusing they were ceased by Russian Military. Crew on the ships have told the world that they were sent to Kerch , near Crimea , to annoy Russia. And to create false impression. That Poroshenko government is strong and capable of fighting Russia. Just to win sympathy votes during coming elections in Ukraine. The plot is also to draw his western allies to tighten sanctions against Kremlin since Crimea broke away from Kiev. Trump is unwilling to commit more troops to. Kiev. US , UK and France have immorally blamed Russia for provocations by Kiev.


There is no way humans can boast being superior to Animals in the jungle. Humans wage wars. To kill , cause doom and chaos. In other to make profit. What sense does that make. Humans are naked on video. Copy animal sensual love and promote it on TV and elsewhere. They are in great fear , suspecious of each other and carry weapons for protection. Marriages are broken daily and conflicts appear everywhere in human life. Men are marrying men. Women are marrying women. Homosexuality , touching and smelling human excrement is delight of some part of humankind. They eat and drink human phsiological wase during sensual activities. Strange diseases such as HIV/AIDS are acquired from homosensual activities. And spread deliberately and widely. Rape is commonplace , contract killings and armed robbery are on the increase. Suicide is prevalent , poverty and homelessness in the midst of plenty in big cities and towns of so called rich nations. Loneliness , exclusion and surving from waste dump sites are common. Rat infested holes called homes abound. Leaders of the world are most idiotic , selfish and greedy. America only super power tops in having senseless men and women at the top of the political ladder. Before Trump , the dotard , was Obama , Bush , Clinton and Regan. Obama destroyed Libya in concert with Cameron and Sarkozy of UK and France respectly. Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq. Regan , Thatcher and Pope John Paul are credited with destroying Soviet Union. And making the worle more unstable. Terrorists , murderers and bloodthirsty extremists such as ISIS , AL QAEDA , BENGHAZI REBELS and others like them are creations of US policies. To destabilize Syria , Iraq , Libya and others perceived as enemies of US and their western allies. United Nations is a device to promote US and western evil interests.

Monday, November 26, 2018


  • Self confessed American adventurer , fanatic of Colonialist Explorer David Livingston and a Fake Missionary had bribed his way a number of times to Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. His last visit on November 17 to the Islands , where endangered Sentinelese natives of less than 200 stay , met his death under Bows and Arrow. From the Sentinlese tribal people. They proudly remain in isolation and hostile to outside world. Presence of outsiders in their midst could wipe out the tribe. As they have no natural protection for strange pathogens from outsiders. It is illegal by Indian law to go near their abode or visit them. Allen John Chau the rogue visitor , wanted to deceive and change the Sentinelese. With gifts including fishing line and cutting instruments. He failed to soften the hostile natives. He was killed in a storm of arrows , dragged along the beach and burried there. Family of the deceased say they have forgiven the tribe for murdering their 27 year old son. Instead of apologizing for desire of their son to pollute the culture and infect them with diseases. His murder is a success for survival of natives and their ways of life. Nothing is known about their language , customs and spiritual or religious rites. They roam about half naked with just enough something , to cover their middle body , just below the abdomen. Decadent America and Western allies must learn fast. That Colonial era of Civilizing and forced changed of ways and habits of indeginous peoples are over. Tribal peoples have the right to their cultural ways of doing things , living and working on their land for their own benefit. And no outsiders should fool themselves to know better than the Sentinelese , dark and short natives. They arrived over 60 thousands of years ago on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Americans lack real courage to criticize their leaders' madness , warmongering and regime change syndrome everywhere. Most stupid , brainwashed and damaged are Americans. They are enslaved to believe , accept and support every evil and foolish stuff done in their name around the world. They are made so ignorant. And think all is America and America is all. Americans are manipulated each day and minute by the media. And turned into automatons , idiots and souless entities. In the midst of plenty many Americans are very poor , miserable and homeless. They eat from waste dumps thrown away foods. Many reside in rats infested homes and dangerous areas. Fools like Regan , Bush and Trump are easily voted as presidents. To be further fooled , misused and surrender to criminals in bigbusiness and their agents in government. Falsehoods are peddled. Forexample Saddam is keeping weapons of mass destruction , preparing o kill Americans and must be stopped is easily sold to uncritical America. To elicit blind domestic support for invasion of Iraq. And enable criminals and degenerate elements in bigbusiness , media and military cum pharmacuetical industry and their lackeys in government to make huge and dirty profits out of misery , doom and chaos. Every American War is a racket. It is a secret agenda. To steal funds to enrich mercinaries , war contractors and suppliers and players at Wall Street. Now is the time. Americans must learn fast , remove scales placed on their eyes. So that they may liberate themselves from mirages before them. And be humans and thinking beings never to be manipulated and deceived to satisfy selfish and greedy motives of corrupt and decadent top one percent. Who are real parasites and beneficiaries of immoral and Capitalist America. Say no now to enemies of peoples in high places in USA.


Facebook is uncomfortable with critical comments on CIA report. One implicating Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Inside Saudi Consulate in Istanbul , Turkey on October 2. By Saudi elite intelligence operatives close to Crown Prince MBS. The Saudi Royal loyalist turned critic of Crown Prince MBS. For his excessive stifling of dissent and free expression. Facebook is a Capitalist Monster. It is removing comments supporting CIA findings , blaming Saudi Arabia for brutal elimination of Khashoggi. Facebook is protecting the Saudis to enable business as usual with the Kingdom. Which benefits the company greatly in advertising revenues. Trump , another Monster and die hard Capitalist is on the same wavelength as Facebook. He has already said he would be a fool to stop US multi billion US Dollars Arms Deals and other profitable economic activities with the Kingdom , despite CIA report. That order to dismember body of Khashoggi could be done only with blessing of MBS. Trump sees the Kingdom as greal ally. And would not create a vaccum for Russia to enter and make huge profits by supplying the Saudis with Russian military hardware and support. Clearly Trump and Facebook have no respect for sacredness of life. What matters to them is money , money and money. From whatever source and by whatever means. However US Congress is raged with Trump for his unwillingness to slap Saudi Arabia with strong punitive sanctions. For what transpired in the Saudi Consulate. That is drugging Khashoggi , cutting his live body into pieces and evaporating it into thin air. His robe was then worn by one of the murderers. And walked out the Consulate. To deceive public on CCTV that Khashoggi left the Consulate unharmed and safe. Audio recordings with Turkish authorities tell a lot about the murder.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Trump admits Saudi Government could be behind Jamal Khashoggi disappearance from Saudi Consulate in Istanbul , Turkey. Khashoggi was a critic of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. He had gone to the Consulate on October 2 for documents to marry a Turkish woman. After many denials of Saudi involvement , Saudi prosecutor has admitted the Critic and Journalist was drugged , and murdered inside the Consulate and body disposed. Without any indication of whereabout of the remains. Latest CIA investigations point fingers at Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman as in charge of the murder. Trump says the CIA findings will not prevent him from doing business with the Saudis as usual. To him billions of USD arms sales to the Kingdom and jobs created by that should overide any consideration despite the damning revelations in CIA findings on Khashoggi murder. Trump argues that Russia stands to gain if US stops arms and other economic deals with the Kingdom. US Congress is putting pressure on Trump to slap strong punitive sanctions against Saudi Arabia for brutal dismemberment of Khashoggi in Saudi Consulate by elite intelligence operatives close to Crown Prince MBS. Trump is bent on playing CIA report down and projecting the Kingdom as great US ally in Middle East and great source of US Economic advantage. America under Trump has lost its way and exposed falsehood of much shouted US moral sense , defender of human rights and due process for freedom and justice. Trump represents Capitalist Monster America really is. And its fake human rights credentials. America by stand of Trump is mercinary , inhumane and profits from murderers , doom and chaos. America has since 911 caused deaths of over 30 million inhabitants on earth. It has also destroyed billions of lives and properties of peoples everywhere in US Wars.

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Suicide tendencies invade attention of many in a wicked , irrational and Inhumame World. They disturb and attempt to deceive a number of humankind. And invite various persons to ecape suffering , shame and poverty using dirty road of suicide. Life must be greatest gift. It is thus better than death by our own hands. Committing suicide is cowardly , defeatist and irrational. It is selfish , unproductive and a punishment to friends and family of the victim. Capacity of humans to hate and inflicit any form of damage to neighbours is exposed in Suicide. No matter the ugly state of life we find ourselves life itself is superior to death to an unknown state after life. God is conceived differently by different elements of humanity. Some think suicide bombing an enemy is a wish of God. And God gladly rewards such suicides. Others see that as abomination and Satanist. To them God is against killing oneself for any reason. Because power to live or not resides in God who is giver of precious life. We may look at Suicide without reference to a Supreme Being. We may just reflect on desire to take our life in terms of nature of Suicide , causes and benefits if any to society and family. Avoiding suicidal tendencies , ideas and methods may be therapeutic. And a fine step towards rejecting harming irredeemably ourselves and making neighbours miserable. The future is unknown for sure in most cases. Today we may be in turmoil. But the suffering may be a lesson for better existence tomorrow. History is abound with adversities turned into great spring board. For freedom , development and progress. Out of darkness light emerges and shines beautifully to disperse fear , hopelessness and suffering. Suicide is negative , irrational and shameful to neighbours , friends and family members. Life is sacred and precious.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Post 911 US Wars around the World has claimed up to now over 6000 billions of US Dollars of tax payers funds. And cost the World millions of deaths , destroyed lives and properties. Meanwhile millions of Americas are becoming poorer and poorer , homelessness increasing and thousands in all USA towns and cities found mentally ill. They roam about half naked and very dirty , suffer under severe cold weather and eat from thrown away foods on waste dumps accross the nation , said to be richest in the World. So called wealth of America are in the hands of mostly criminals in government , politics and their favourites in Military Arms and Pharmacuetical Industrial Complex and other big businesses. War is a racket. It is a very secret agenda. War is waged to make huge profits from Weapons Manufacture and Sales. And payments to mercinary fighters , agencies and General War Effort Contractors and Suppliers. America , UK and France sell billions of US Dollars of Deadly Weapons to Saudi Arabia , a country well noted for its exceptionally very poor and miserable Human Rights record. And other dictatorial and neo nazi and fascist regimes. Pro Bandera Fascist and Neo Nazi Ukraine buys weapons and receives military training from US and EU. To fight against the desire of ethnic minorities in eastern Ukraine for self determination. US , UK and French instigated war against Gaddafi , his murder and destruction of Libya , once the most prosperous in Africa and haven for the poor of many countries , was just to steal enormous gold , petro dollar and oil reserves of Libya. Enemies of Libyan Paradise under humane Gaddafi were represented by fools such as former UK prime minister David Cameron , pig sexing fanatic. And Barack Obama whose up bringing was like from a brothel and Nicholas Sarkozy , sex maniac , of France.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Theresa May suffered great disappointment today. British prime minister's Withdrawal Deal with EU received rejection reactions from her party Brexit supporters. Some have just resigned , blaming her for designing a Fake Brexit , whilst Brexit falls under EU control and policies. May must be die hard Remain fanatic. She is deliberately making a deal with EU that makes Brexit part and parcel of EU. To satisfy Remain Fanatics and throw dust into eyes of supporters of Brexit. It is safer and better to have Brexit without a deal with EU than to have Brexit with EU deal. That makes Brexit just fake and inside EU frame work , policies and control. May may be doing all to cause Remain Victory in a possible new referendum on Brexit. Brexit voters are determined. And will not allow any attempts to deceive them with bogus Withdrawl Deal. UK voted in a referendum. They rejected staying in EU. And are proud to be on their own , shape and control their own destiny. Since defeat of Remain in free and fair Brexit Referendum , enemies of UK pullout from EU domination have never ceased to set the clock back. And are working hard for reverse of will of majority of UK peoples for better , sane and independent life , development and progress without being under EU rules and laws. Brexit is a desire of a people for freedom , continuing their self determination and building their own society in their own eyes. EU is unhappy with Brexit. EU may fight against true liberation of UK from its domination. By supporting Brexit deals that only favour EU agenda and not forward movement of Brexit. Where is British Democracy , Political Maturity and Fairness. And the face of all the intrigues to make no effect the majority hopes and aspirations in the Brexit Victory in a just , fair and transparent referendum.


Many are Groups , Persons and Religions that are Seeking Truth. What is Truth and why they seek it vary with kind of Groups , Religions and Persons. However many seekers see God , Source of Being or Existence as Truth. Nature of God and our relationship with God is main oblective of the Search for Truth. Various Groups , Religions and Persons have found the Truth , God. Which differs from each other in the business of finding God , the Truth. In a way Truth has many parts. And all see part of it and claim to be the whole Truth. Concept of God is different and contradictory in Islam , Christianity and Judaism , Hinduism and others. Mystics , Spiritualists and Traditionalists also have opposing views of God and how they relate to God. Hence either all have no knowledge and understanding of True God or one and only one is correct with Truth/God. However Source of Being is widely considered Ominipotent , Ominiscient and Ominipresent. If God is all the above attributes then to some God/Truth is not found by effort of anyone. But Truth reveals itself to those Truth finds necessary and for whatever reasons best known to God. With all Search for God and desire to have God revealed , humankind is great turmoil. Peace and harmonious coexistence have eluded humankind. Everywhere there is war , greed and corruption. Misery and poverty afflict the World. Is the wish God that we are deep seated in Woes and Tribulations. With no solution in sight. God is big business. Godmen and Godwomen abound , claiming all sorts of things and leading many into conflicting perceptions of Truth. And contradictory ways on how life must be lived to produce peace , harmony and progress for self , humankind and society. Does God exisit. Does God work in lives of Beings. Does God have laws , principles and ways to be followed or not.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Dialectical Development of History/Society shows Capitalist Mode of Production , Distribution and Exchange as an improvement on Feudalism. Contradictions inherent in Capitalism will cause its demise. And give birth to new , better Social Order. Based on principle From each according to their ability. And to each according to their needs. Capitalism is a two Class System. Majority Working Class and Minority Controllers of Capital , means of Production. Class interests of the two are contradictory. Capitalists who are beneficiaries of Capitalism born out of Feudalism survive by cheating Workers under them. For wealth accumulation. Value of labour of Working Class , proletariat , is under paid. Diference between Real Value and Under Valued paid labour is Exploitation of labour by Capitalists. This accounts for increasing Capitalist wealth. And increasing impoverishment of Working peoples. This contradiction leads to Class antagonism , Struggle. Majority Proletariat who are producers of wealth are destined to triumph in the Class Struggle. Class Struggle is mid wife of humane , organized and sane new order , Communism , inside the womb of Capitalism. Christianity is based on two laws. First love God with all your heart and strength. And then love your neighbour as yourself. Capitalists are not able to love their neighbour , the Working peoples , as themselves. They keep working peoples poorer and poorer. So that they could make increasing profits for increasing wealth accumulation. Failure to love your neighbour means love of God is impossible. Since God's Laws are summed up into two laws of Christianity. Capitalists pretend to be Christian. Whilst Christian Laws are broken with impunity. It is more difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God than a Carmel passing through the eye of a needle.

Monday, November 5, 2018


President Trump is not on ballot in Mid-term elections tomorrow. However the crucial polls are seen as referendum on Trump , his performance in the first two years. Many Americans are fed up with Trump administration. They are disappointed in his divisive rhetoric , unimpressive knowledge and impulsive behaviour. Recent increasing gun violence , shooting to death of eleven members of Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh during a Sabbath Circumcision Ritual and others are blamed on Trump. For his anti migrants , racist and anti women comments. Minorities are targets of gun violence. Trump has described migrants as terrorists and invaders of America. African nations are shitholes to Trump. Large turnout is expected on Tuesday. Democratic Party is poised to capture Senate and Congress. Just as Republicans are bent on maintaining dominance in the two Chambers. Former Trump fans in show biz and elsewhere are distancing themselves from the president. Some have disallowed his party to use their intellectual property in the campaigns. Americans have rejected a racist advert promoting Republican party. Trump must be in turmoil as he campaigned for candidates in his party. Obama has also been on campaign train for Democratic candidates in some swing states. It may not be a great surprise to election watchers if Mid-term elections fail to a passmark to president and his governance style. The world is anxious , waiting for November 6 ~


Today Trump administration re-imposed sanctions lifted on Iran due to Iran Nuclear Deal brokered in 2015 by Obama and his counterparts in UK , FRANCE and Germany. The Deal called Iran to stop certain Nuclear Building and Testing Activities. So far IEA has confirmed Iran continously sticking to terms of the Deal without any violations. Trump described the agreement as bad negotiation. He pulled America out of the International Deal. To dismay of other signatories. Germany , France and UK have since rejected Trump's unilateral withdrawal of USA. And have vowed to continue to respect the Deal with Iran. They are also ready to do all to circumvent US economic sanctions against Iran. And trade with Iran in a new way to lessen effect of Trump Sanctions. Yesterday thousands of Iranians protested re-imposition of sanctions and shouted Death to America. President of Iran has condemned Trump. He said Iran will proudly break the sanctions. The sanctions are against Iran exporting and selling its oil. They include stifling banks and shipping in Iran. Trump accuses Iran , without any proof , as responsible for terrorism inside Middle East and Nuclear Missiles Development and Testing. To Trump sanctions are meant to hit hard Iran and force Iran to a negotiating table for a better New Iran Nuclear Deal with America and its allies. Terrorism around the World is creation of America. Terrorist Militia Al Qaeda was created , equiped and financed by US. Using Osama Bin Laden who worked for CIA in Afghanistan. Islamic State a brutal Terrorist Group is a product of American invasion of Iraq. Islamic State brutalities and US aid to it is well documented in the period Islamic State controlled regions in Syria. Before Russia and Iran were invited by legitimate president of Syria to flush out Islamic State.


Every kind of election in America depends on donated funds from wealthy individuals , companies and groups. Such monies do not come cheap. They are linked with receivers assurances to support campaign contributors achieve their personal , group and business objectives once receivers come into political office. Tuesday's Midterm elections is being sponsored with over 5 billion US dollars. Just to buy influence in high places in government , senate and congress. Hundreds of millions of dollars have flowed into political activities , campaigns and advertisements. From billionaires and mega company executives and show biz men and women all over USA. America is under destruction , democracy has failed and freedom and justice are nonexistent. Those with the Cash determine direction of US policies and everything in America. Without funds to buy political leaders , state and federal officials little is ever achieved. Bribery and Corruption is rife. The rich are getting more rich in America. And the poor there continue to swing in degrading poverty , misery and insecurity. Rifle associations and gun lobby groups are amongst greatest donors to politicians for their election campaign efforts for power and influence. Often legislators make laws that favour big business , pharmaceutical companies , media houses and military and weapons manufacture industrial complex. Easy access to guns and ownership is at the root of increasing gun violence , armed robbery and gun deaths across the federation. Children are using sophisticated weapons of destruction at schools. And killing themselves and their teachers inside school areas. America is a place where pharmaceutical products are sold any how and very unregulated. Because of influence pharmaceutical industry has on law makers. Health insurance is virtually absent.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Social Media is going through major challenges with respect to data theft. Facebook and Google have been victims to massive datd harvesting by dubious companies , individuals and groups. Oxford Analytical devised a quiz to steal personal information of participants on Facebook. The harvested data was sold out. For targetted advertisements. And to influence last major US Elections in 2016. Many a time data obtained clandestinely on the Net is used for fraud , unauthorized cash withdrawals with Credit Cards details. And invasion of privacy of victims. Few weeks ago Google reported unsual activities against its Google plus platform. Hackers had stolen millions of email details and passwords of clients. Google plus is shut down in affected regions. Social Media Giants Yahoo , Facebook and Google are even suspected of bowing to US pressure to censor activities on their media. Trump administration is reported to have asked Facebook to give them data on perceived enemies of Trump. Let us hope reportage is fake or they are denied their demand. Sometimes pages appear on Social Media , conducting a survey or creating a petition for apparent just cause. One is encouraged to take part. Emails are readily demanded and not often postal codes and house addresses are required to enter the project. Such activities are designed sometimes to steal personal data. One may also be enticed to share and Like unsolicited posts , videos and photos on Social Media. These could be designed for Identity Theft , and to influence advertising revenues of something associated with the shared or Liked media. The Internet is becoming very fertile ground for all sorts of immoral , dirty and criminal activities. Fake drugs , art works and bogus tour packages and merchandize are sold freely to unspecting users of Social Media by criminals.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Blasphemy laws are enshrined in constitutions of a number of Countries. The laws are divisive and anti minority religious groups in nations that promote use of laws that seek to preserve particular beliefs. Insulting Supreme Being , God , or religion of peoples and prophets of God are punishable under blasphemy laws. Death penality , life imprisonment and serving jail terms are included in the punishment regime. Stoning , beheadings and amputations of limbs have been employed in application of such laws. Which are aimed at prevending others from offending religious feelings , places of worship and sacred symbols and prophets of God. Blasphemy charges have been made against minorities with different beliefs to the dominant one. To settle personal scores and enable persecution of perceived enemies. Last Wednesday Supreme Court of Pakistan acquitted Pakistani Christian lady , Asia Bibi , of Blasphemy Conviction by a lower Court. After she had served eight years in jail for Blasphemy. Predominantly Islamic Pakistan is in turmoil. For many supporters of the Blasphemy Law are unhappy and protesting in some cities against the acquittal. Lawyer for Asia Bibi has fled into Europe fearing for his life. He has appealed to authorities to make sure Asia is moved out to prevent being harmed by opponets of the ruling. Several Countries are ready to receive Asia to escape danger. However Authorities in Pakistan have agreed to keep Asia under safety. Whilst protesters have been given chance to appeal the Supreme Court Ruling. In exchange for stoppage of current unrest inside the Country since her acquittal. The agreement with the extremists have angered many inside Pakistan and around the World. That government has capitulated to demands and wishes of hardline supporters of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan.

Friday, November 2, 2018


Trump won last US presidential elections against his main Democratic Party competitor Hillary Ciinton. Inspite of several Republican Party leaders' opposition to his favourable position on Russia and Putin. Trump campaigned on America first and creation of jobs. He appeared ready to fight corruption and save much needed funds for improvements in life of Americans. During Trump's inauguration he said he would be president for all Americans. However he has only succeeded to divide the nation on colour lies. Majority of minority groups feel unsafe , discriminated against and neglected. Due to his unguarded rhetoric in support of white supremacists , racists and anti minorities. And huge spending on the military industrial complex. That is increasing gun violence against Jews , African Americans and other lower population citizens. Many women have been offended by the president. When he tends to be anti feminst and disrespectful to women. Trump has paid to silence porn stars and cover up his extra marital adventures. Mid term Elections for the Congress , Senate and other positions , in a few days , has a good number of women candidates. Democratic party is determined to snatch leadership of both houses from Trump's Republican Party. Outcome of coming elections will speak volumes on Trump administration and presidency. The results may also show which of the two main political parties will stand to gain much in the next major US elections in two years from now. Trump so far does not seem to favour Putin and Russia , contrary to expectations of opponents within his own party. Recently Trump indicated pulling America from Cold War Intermediate Nuclear Deal with Russia. He has handed various sanctions against Kremlin for so called Russian presence in breakaway areas of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea.


  • Government of Japan is making changes in the laws to favour receiving two sets of migrants. They are urgently needed for further growth and stability of the booming Japanese economy. Blue colour and skilled migrants are those to benefit. Reasons for interest in the sets of new migrants are due to increasing aged population and shortage of labour. Farm and agricultural workers and nurses from outside Japan are to be favoured. Elderly care workers , construction and shipping workers are specially in demand. Unskilled labour migrants shall enjoy unrenewable five year working visas. They could not be joined by relatives. Whilst skilled migrants shall have visas that allow family members to accompany them. And stay indefinately or renewable where necessary. Arrangements shall be put in place to make the new comers enjoy their stay. Japan's desire to attract migrants comes as America under white supremacist , racist and Xenophobic Trump is bent on making it very difficult for migrants. America a nation of migrants , built and developed by migrant labour now under Donald Trump is painting migrants as bad peoples , criminals and terrorists. Trump has ordered for thousands of soldiers to be stationed at the mexican border to prevent a caravan of thousand migrants from Central America braving all difficulties and moving to America for greener pastures. The new migrant friendly changes in Japan is opposed by elements within the government. But government is determined , in the supreme interest of Japan , to go ahead to attract and make life easy and enjoyable for migrants needed in the country. For years Japan had refused to encourage migration into the country. New change of heart has interested both inside and outside Japan watchers. Today Japan is next to China in wealth and prosperity to America.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


On October 30 FIFA slapped a life ban from all Football related activities on former Ghana Football Association president , Kwesi Nyantakyi. He was vice president of Confederation of African Football and General Council member of FIFA untill undercover investigative Journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas exposed him in a documentary Video Number 12. Nyantakyi was seen in video collecting USD 65000 bribe from a supposed businessman who wanted to sponsor Ghana Football and do other investments in the Country. Kwesi Nyantaki was seen in a hotel conversation soliciting 11 million dollars from the investor. To influence the president of Ghana , Nana Akufo Addo , ministers and Vice president Dr Bawumia. For generous contracts with huge profits to be made by Alhaji , the Businessman. Nyantakyi impressed the Alhaji that the president was a friend. That president was broke. He sold his family properties for campaigns to win the presidential election. So 5 million US dollars could just make him give out required contracts. But for the Vice 3 million USD was fine. Others including relevant ministers could be settled with remaining 3 million dollars. Football Governing Council found Nyantakyi violated FIFA Code of Ethics and guilty of Bribery and Corruption. He was also fined about 500000 US dollars. In the documentary many Ghanaian and other African Football refrees were caught on Video taking bribes ranging from few hundreds to 5000 dollars to fix matches. Government of Ghana handed Nyantakyi to relevant agencies for investigations. When the Video was shown. Uptill now nothing is known about outcome of the investigations. Major Opposition party in Ghana has just accused Ghana president of attempting to free his friend and financier Nyantakyi from any criminal charges and possible successful prosecution in Court.


Large number of Jews and members of Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh , Pensylvania saw presence of Trump inappropiate. He went to console the Jews and families of those killed i. By a murderer during a Sabbath Circumcision ritual inside the Jewish Worship place. Rabbis blamed Trump for violence against minorities. They asked Trump to stop his White Supremacist , Racist and Xenophobic rhetoric. And his support for increasing access to guns and ownership of weapons. Fake Rabbi officiated a meeting of some Synagogue members and Trump. Large number of members boycotted Trump's visit and meeting. For being a hypocrite and instigator of anti minority and racist remarks and violence. Pittsburgh historically has great Jewish presence. Many wealthy Americans have Jewish blood. One such is even married to daughter of Trump. And a special advisor to the president. Trump failed to condemn White Supremacist violence agains African American Marchers against a confederate statue in Virginia last year. Instead Trump blame all for the misconduct of the racists. Trump described African countries as Shitholes. To show his lack of decency , good moral sense and hatred for people of colour. Trump is unguarded in speech and activities. He is unstable , very ignorant and impulsive. Military Spending has sky rocketed. He has put a lot into making more sophisticated weapons and guns. He is only good at undoing good deeds of his predecessors. Trump has pulled America out of international nuclear deal with Iran to dismay of Europe. Climate Change is a hoax to Trump and refused to contribute American share to fight its effects. He has indicated packing out of cold war Intermediate Nuclear Deal with Russia. Which could escalate nuclear weapons manufacture and tensions between the two. And resart Cold War atmosphere.


Sea of Central American peoples are moving on foot to America. They are poor , hungry and very determined. To reach America for better life. Included are children , babies , both old and young men and women. Their problems are economic , political and insecurity. Many years of US destabilization , regime change syndrome and wars in the Americas and elsewhere have caused fear , misery and poverty and ruined lives of thousands everywhere. Now America , chief terrorist and warmonger in the world must be reponsible. It must help and take care of humiliated , oppressed and impoverished due to American dirty politics. The migrants are going to enter USA through Mexico border with America. Racist , Xenophobic and irrational president Trump has called thousands of American regular soldiers to station along the border to resist invasion of his country. According to the president the migrants walking to America are bad peoples , criminals and undesirables. Tent cities shall be made to keep the flood of migrants at the border. And only successful applicants for asylum could be allowed into America. Not long same Trump caused separation of children from their parents who had entered USA via the Mexico-USA border for asylum. Parents were kept in darkness about destination of their babies , boys and girls. That was done to discourage migration to America. This week Trump said he is going to use executive order to prevent automatic American citizenship for babies born in America whose parents are migrants. Last year over a million migrants from US made war torn Syria and its environs flowed into Europe. Angela Merkel received a million into Germany for asylum. France , Italy and Spain accepted some. America took virtually none. Until America and its allies stop the wars they will continue to suffer migration headache.

Monday, October 29, 2018


Sunday's Brazillian presidential election was won by former army Captain Jair Bolsonaro. He got 55 % votes. Whilst left wing Fernando Haddad obtained 45 %. Brazillians voted for promises made by divisive presendent elect Bolsonaro. He campaigned on fighting crime and corruption. Giving easy access to gun ownership , promotion of private enterprise and reducing government involvement in business. This is a man who described a lady as too ugly to be raped. He supported military dictatorship of Brazil. And wished opponents of dictatorship killed. Brazil must be under a mirage. Bolsonaro is unstable , and incapable of making good his promises for better Brazil and jobs for them. Jair Bolsonaro is called Trump of Tropics. He says he will pull Brazil out of Paris Climate Change Group as did Trump. He is racist , anti women and anti gay rights. Trump finds him a suitable friend. Trump has already spoken to him. And said he could do business with president elect of Brazil. The two are conservatives , capitalists to the core and talk unguarded. And very irrational many a time. Lula da Silva , former president of Brazil is in jail for corruption charges which he denies. Lula was left wing presidential candidate for the presidential election before he was imprisoned. Fernando replaced Lula last minute. Lula could have emerged winner if allowed to contest. Many believe his trial and conviction was done to prevent him from participating in the presidential contest. Brazil has been under the leftist party for a number of years. Bolsonaro is politically inexperienced. January 1 , 2019 shall be inauguration of Bolsonaro as president of Brazil. Brazil is ethnically diverse with people of African , European and American blood and indigenous peoples in Amazon Region of Brazil. The country is vast and rich naturally.

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Sad day today. Many Jews are weeping , disturbed and afraid. Holocaust memories are engaging much attention. Circumcision Ritual inside Tree of Life Jewish Worship Temple in Pittsburg , Pensylvania was going on when an attack by a gunman killed about 11 persons and many critically wounded. The murderer was heard shouting death to Jews. Trump has described the incident as very worrying and suggested death penalty could be best punishment for the evil deed of the attacker. Too many guns in the hands of citizens are blamed for rampant gun violence in American cities and towns. Students are using guns increasingly at school against their mates. Violent movies contribute to dangerous gun use in America. Children attempt to practice what they see on the screens. Thousands are killed in armed robbery and armed gang activities each year in USA. Debate on gun control is getting no where. As well connected and very rich business executives vigorously oppose restrictions on gun purchases and ownership. Trump presidency has pumped billions of dollars into US Military and arms Industrial Complex. Such policies lead to increasing manufature of sophisticated weapons of murder and distruction. Commentators have largely condemned what has happened. Some within Jewish community think Jews and other minorities are targets for elimination in racist America. Often African Americans and Hispanics are most affected by gun violence and killings. White Supremacists stir up racist hatred and disturbances involving gun shots , deaths and injuries. Untill something drastic is done to stop gun violence in USA the people will have no peace. They will continue to live in great fear and turmoil. US War efforts against nations and regime change activities are bad examples for most Americans. These evil endeavours encourage violence.

Friday, October 26, 2018


Love is powerful , creative and liberating force. It makes life real , deep and meaningful. Absence of love causes fear , darkness and hopelessnes everywhere. Three kinds of love in increasing order of satisfying needs , eliciting peace and harmony are a) Eros or Sensual love b) Philos and c) Agape. Love Unconditional and Unbounded love is called Agape by ancient Greek Masters. This love derives from realization of our oneness with all and nature. Which makes it easy not to hate anyone. But respond kindly , faithfully and rationally to all. As we all are one and the same emanation from same source of being. Philos is love for beauty , nature and knowledge. It is equivalent to love between siblings. Lastly Eros is sensual and selfish. It elicits most idiotic and animal conduct in men and women. Many have been ruined by sensual love. However Eros is necessary for procreation. Love is most misunderstood concept. Yet many songs , poems and much literature carry love as major subject. The world cries for love , true satisfying love for peace and harmony and progress. Let us learn to radiate unconditional and unrestricted love around and beyond us. For better sane and peaceful world.


Celebration of Homosexuality is taking place today inside National Cathederal in Washington. Ashes of self proclaimed homosexual , Matthew Sphepherd , is being buried there. Along side American greats inside the holy place. In 1998 at age 21 , Martin was lured out of a drinking bar in Wayome and murdered. By two boys about his age who feigned being homosexuals. He was driven out inside a car into a place , attacked savegely and chained to a fence and left to die in the cold. Parents of Matthew feared burying their son. To avoid desecration of his tomb. As anti homosexual Baptist elements in Wayome were bent on disturbing his burial. His body was cremated and ashes kept till today. Death of Spheperd precipitated national debate , controversy and encouraged fight for gay rights in America. What does today's ceremony mean to LGBT Community. And who and who are going to grace the event in Washington DC. Will Trump and his Republican Party benefit from the burial of the self proclaimed student homosexual. Democratic Party is seen as pro LGBT whilst Republcans are perceived to be anti homosexuality. Time will answer the questions very soon or later. Same sex marriage has been allowed in some states in America. The issue is very divisive and emotional. One wonders the reason for laying to rest ashes of Matthew inside the Cathederal. When Islam and Christianity are clearly against homosexuality. And see practitioners as lost and sinners. Who need repentance and help to move along the right path. There are secular elements who consider homosexuality as mental illness , dirty and very unhealthy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


American Security Services have intercepted a number of bombs within last few days sent via mails to many critics of Trump presidency. Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton and CNN are among those targeted. Who are those behind these deadly devices and what do they really want to achieve by their actions. In a few days time mid US elections shall come into full force. And the targets of the dangerous devices are all Democratic Supporters and political adversaries of Repubilian president Trump. One could therefore easily blame Republican and Trump supporters for being behind the evil machinations. Many think Trump's unguarded remarks against his political opponents and the Media could be the catalyst for the mail bombs. Either to put fear into opponents , silence them or just kill them. It is likely that Democrats may gain sympathy votes from what has happened. Trump has come out condemning the mail bombs and called for calm. Those responsible according to the president will be dealt with if found out. Hillary Clinton has thanked the Security apparatus for their timely intervention and preventing the deadly devices from reaching her and others. She said America is divided under Trump and something needs to be done to stop the nation being polarized by Trump and his administration. It is very disturbing that within few days several such devices were sent to many. So far no one has been wounded or killed by the mail bombs. Could it be that the intended purpose is to generate fear and prevent anti Trump voters from participating freely and massively in the coming elections for seats in the Congress and Senate and other positions. Time will tell who may gain or not gain from the explosive devices.


  • Since disappearance of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside Saudi Consulate in Istabul , Turkey , Donald Trump has made conflicting statements on the event. First the American president said he was murdered by Rogue Killers in line with initial Saudi claim. The Saudis changed the narration few days later. They said Khashoggi died in a fist fight inside the Consulate , without saying anything about whereabout of the dead body. Immediately Trump jumped and shouted that the new Saudi version was very credible. Now unstable Trump has called death of the Journalist the greatest cover up (by Saudi) in history. Trump has already said US Multi-billion ARMS SALES will continue to reach Saudi Arabia. To save millions of American jobs. Angela Merkel of Germany has called on leadership of the Kingdom to provide better explanation of demise of the Washington Post Columnist. Else German Arms Deals with Saudi Arabia shall stop in addition to other punitive sanctions against the regime. France and UK have also asked the Saudi leadership to provide clearer picture on the demise of the man. Yesterday President of Turkey said in a speech in parliament that murder of Khashoggi is premeditated and very brutal. Same day reports indicated that body parts of the deceased had been found in a Well within a garden in the residence of Saudi Consul General. Which is close to the Consulate in Istanbul. Turkish authorities are still searching nearby forest for dead body of Jamal Khashoggi. Many are outraged and demand punitive sanctions againist the Kingdom. At the same time Turkish president was revealing brutal murder of Khashoggi a Saudi Investment Conference was taking place in the Kingdom. With a number of World business leaders absent due to disappearance of Khashoggi. Who ordered killing of Khashoggi ? The World expect the true answer.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Legalized sales of Marijuana got underway from in Canada in October , 2o18. Long lines greeted shops ready to do busines in legalize weed. Thirty grams of the herb is the limit per purchase. And only 18 years and above individuals are allowed to buy the drug. Today Canada is second to Uruguay in buying and using legalized Canabis. Usage is restricted to private use generally. However in Ontario , Canada buyers could smoke it in public just as tobaco. Many medical professionals are unhappy about legalization of the narcotic drug due to its psychotic effects and properties. The government of Trudeau thinks legalization could move 5 billion dollar trade in legal Marijuana trade in Canada from drug barons. And enable government to reap tax benefits from the drug sales. Other countries may follow foot steps of Canada and Uruguay. And cause increase in unrestricted use of the drug. Which some professionals blame for mental illness , increasing violent crimes , sexual attacks and misery in society. Others think regulated use of weed in medicine may help save acute pain sufferers and some under certain medical conditions. Number of states in America have made laws allowing use the herb for medicinal reasons only. But legalization as in Canada is yet to see light in America. America has high rate of illegal sales and use of the hallucinogentic substance. And accounts for many deaths including suicide and that associated with robbery and other violent activities throughout America. The substance is found in Africa , Europe , Asia and the Americas among others. Jamaica is one country where Kaya , the name for it is widely use in various ways and glorified in music and poetry. Bob Marley rastafarian priest and great Jamaican reggae artiste was reputed for using the drug. It is said he was inspired under the herb.

Friday, October 19, 2018


Tourists from the west in Africa are notorious for seeking sensual pleasures with minors. Many wealthy such female tourists come to Africa in droves , entice young boys and sexually enslave them. Often the boys appear to be tour guides. But reality is that they are recruited just to satisfy strange sensual apgetite of western women , mostly elderly and lonely or unstable in their origin communities away from Africa. Male tourists also engage both young boys and girls in all types of wired sensual encounters. The sex tourists spread diseases unknown in Africa. HIV and AIDS that originated in homosexual communities in America spread worldwide and into Africa via sensual activities of these sex vistors. Some deliberately infect unspecting victims of sexual exploitation promoted by the tourists. Female Sex Tourists cover up paid sex by claiming to be interested in helping poor boys and their families with needed cash. It must be seen that prostitution by men and by women are same in essence. Each involves sensual exploitation of victims and destruction of moral fibre of society. Tourism is encouraged in Africa especially for revenues that come with it. Largely unregulated Tourism for Sex is secretly organized by dubious hospitality agencies in Africa with involvement of pimps from western sex industry players. The need to sanitize tourism into a country is necessary and important for the health and sanity of destination countries. Children must be properly oriented to take schooling seriously and avoid being used for satisfaction of dirty , immoral and destructive sensual love of tourists and any other persons. Sex Tourism encourages children skiping school to sale toffees , biscuits and mineral watder to Tourists for needed financial support apart from engaging in ugly sex activities of Sex Tourists.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Much publcized Saudi Kingdom Investment Conference expected to show confidence in the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman is under boycott for disappearance of saudi Journalist and Washingtong Post columnist. The man Jamal Khashoggi visited Saudi Consulate in Istanbul , Turkey on October 2 and never came out from the building. It is believed that he was killed and cut to pieces inside the building by forensic expert in a group of 15 security elements who must have been detailed to excute the gruesome deed. Conference Representatives of major Western countries including UK , USA , France and Netherlands have pulled out from the Investment Meeting later this month in the Kingdom. To register their disgust for what has happened to the former Royal Supporter and good friend of Saudi Royals. Who turned a critic , escaped into self exile in USA and worked with Washington Post. A joint Saudi and Turkish investigative team have been allowed to do seaches inside the Consulate and house of the Consul General. The Saudis continue to deny any wrongdoing. Whilst Turkish Intelligence claim having audio proof torture and murder of the Journalist inside the Consulate. Many top world business executive have also indicated they are no more going to be present the Investiment Conference. Saudi has also threatened to retaliate against any sanctions that may be slapped on the Kingdom. President Trump has said if the Kingdom is found involved in disappearance of the Journalist sanction shall be applied. But will not lead to cancellation of US multi billion dollar arms deals with the Kingdom. Some US Senators from both sides are unhappy about Saudi involvement and are ready to support punitive sanctions including stoppage of arms sales to Saudi Arabia. If it turns out that leadership of Saudi Arabia is complicit in the case.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Trump and his administration are dancing around disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi a Saudi Journalist and critic of Crown Prince Salman. The immoral moves have forced Trump to do all to free King Salman and his son Crown Prince Salman from complicity in the vaporation of Khashoggi inside Saudi Consulate in Turkey. Trump now claims rogue killers could be responsible for death of the Journalist. Trump has also said even if leadership of the Kingdom is found guilty US Arms sales to Saudi Arabia will not stop. Reports are rife from Turkish Sources that the Journalist , who had visited the Consulate on October 2 for marriage documents to enable him marry a Turkish woman , was murdered inside the building. And his body dismembered by forensic experts whilst others watched on. US Senator L Graham has called for regime change in Saudi Arabia and described Crown Prince Salman in unprintable words. This is a senator who previously had been consistent defender Saudi policies on senate floor. Clearly Trump and US are more interested in giving chance to the Kingdom to wage wars and murder peoples through US multi billion profit Arms deals. Human rights violations are nothing compared with making dirty monetary gains by US. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has just held talks with King Salman over the Khashoggi affair. Nothing good has come out of it. The Saudis continue to claim ignorance of any wrongdoing against the Journalist. And reject any blame for disappearance of the man. The worid must be scared to enter Saudi Consulates around the world. Since anyone other person could spirit away inside the place. United Nations has tolerated Human Rights abuses involving the Kingdom for too long. Strangely UN recently elected Saudi Arabia to serve on its Commission on Human Rights contrary to sound reasoning against it.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


The World has more unthinking , irrational and selfish people than sane thinking and loving men and women. That is a reason why there is so much misery , poverty and lack of peace in the World. America the Chief Terrorist and War maker controls large portions of human and international activities everywhere. Sane humanity rejects insane America and what it it stands for. It supports a Revolutionary System based on rational management of means of production for benefit of humankind. They reject production of comodities for profit. And call for equitable and sane distribution of resources. For improved living standard and health of all peoples.
Ideology favourable to realizing rational and humane management of society is anti Capitalism. It is rooted in Revolutionary Socialism and Communist Principles. Which seek to utilize all capacities of all and in the interest of all.
Marxism affords great and necessary insight into the way forward. That Capitalism must be overthrown , replaced and managed by the working peoples under a new social order. Where exploitation of human labour by the few for increasing private wealth is non existent.
Capitalism is a stage in development of society. Where labour of the majority working class is exploited , under paid , for the advantage of minority owners of means of production , distribution and exchange.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


The president of Cuba , Raul Castro , is going to stand down for his vice to take over. Raul will however be the head of Communist Party. Era of Castro Family leadership of the progressive country appears to diminish starting from when Raul Castro , brother of Fidel Castro hands over to vice president of Cuba. With Raul at the head of the party there will still be Castro influence in the affairs of Cuba. It must be noted that Cuba is never going to go away from its core Communist Ideology. Cuba under new leadership shall continue to be what it has decided to be since the overthrow of decadent and bourgeois regime of Batista. Cuba is a good , healthy and fine place. With highly skilled and educated population. Under free universal education , free medicare and several free social services for the health and satisfaction of its citizens. Cuba is very generous. It offers freely without charge many Cuban medical doctors to needy nations in Africa , Latin American and others. Every year doors of Cuban Schools , Colleges and university are opened to students around the world under Cuban Scholarships. Many asylum seekers are given fine opportunity to the island as home from persecution , oppression and humiliation. The spirit of Cubans , determination and zeal to defend themselves and their Revolution from unprovoked attacks , destabilization and economic sanctions is very remarkable. For more than half a century American policies and attempts to overthrow the Communist Regime has failed. Cuba is just 90 kilometres across the water from America. It has resisted and foiled many coup attempts under guidance of America. 50 plus years of US sanctions and enemy activities have never dampened the Cubans. US aggression against Cuba has rather strengthened the peoples. To continue with Cuban Revolution. Long live Cuba.


  • Russia is a moral pole. It is a good force for peace , development and progress in the World. So far activities of Russia show Russia is better Super Power , reliable and just. Whilst American Warmongering , umprovoked interventions in affairs of other nations and multidutes of regime change operations have opened eyes of the world about America madness , dishonesty , greed and using war as racket. That is for mercinary gains. Exposure of machinations of America has dwindled its importance and rendered it a laughing stock in world diplomacy. America has lost every moral right and sense to lead. Instead Russia has increased its sane leadership credentials. And gained great respect world wide. For especially its positive and legitimate presence in Syria. Russia and Iran have helped  Syrian Army in the fight against ISIS and Al Qaeda , brutal terrorists militia made and armed by America and its allies to destabilize Syria. Bogus Coalition against terrorism in Syria under leadership of America has been a front to encourage ISIS and Al Qaeda by supplying them with weapons. And to protect the terrorists in Syria from defeat in Syria. Fortunately Russia and Iran have helped Syrian Army to defeat the terrorists in Syria. Today former strongholds of US sponsored Terrorists are liberated and back under control of Bashar Assad , legitimate president of Syria. Defeat of terrorists in their last enclave of Douma near Capital of Syria has caused White Helmets , a British Government organization in Syria to protect British and American interests in Syria under Rebel enclaves by faking Chemical Weapons use in Douma to discredit Syrian Army and its backers the Russian and Iranian forces. And to pave way for escalation and prolongation of the war. By American , UK and Franch intervention using airstrikes against targets in Syria.

Monday, April 16, 2018


  • British White Helmets in Syria is responsible for stagging Chemical Attacks in Syria according some experts. It is done under instructions from UK government. To discredit Assad and his backers. Namely Russia and Iran in an attempt to invite intervention of America , UK and France in the war in Syria. To prolong and intensify destabilization efforts of the evil , irrational and self made enemies of Syrian peoples headed by Chief Terrorist America and its terrorist sponsors UK and France. Recent airstrikes by combined forces of America , UK and France against targets in Syria in illegal and immoral response to their faked Chemical Use in Douma , last stronghold of terrorists made and sponsored by them is one of plots to escalate and prolong the War. It is clearly a face saving measure to cover up humiliating defeat of enemies of Assad. By Syrian Army with support from Russia and Iran and Hezbollah. Over hundred missiles were employed by the Trio in the wanton attacks. Reports show that about 80 % of the enemy missiles were shot down by Syrian Defence Systems. And only less than 10 % hit intended targets. Which were civilian infratuctures for Scientific and Educational Research. In all the very wasteful and expensive exercises hit 3 targets. They were irresponsible and total failure in the main. In the morning of night time missile attacks good peoples of Syria demonstrated massively in support of their Government and against unprovoked dirty military attacks by the diabolical America , UK and France. President Assad has said he is more determined than ever to save his peoples and their oil rich country from all their enemies. Russia has warned that any further strikes against Syria will cause International Chaos. Many have condermned American led attack on Syria. The World must not sit idle in the face of gross violations of International Law against Syria by US and its lackeys. Similar lies and propaganda by America and its allies were usd to invade and disstabilize Iraq and Libya under immoral leadership of America. Syria refuses to go same path as Libya and Iraq. It determined to resist the Chief Warmonger which is America and its senseless lackeys in making wars as aracket. Against progressive nations and their leaders. Under Saddam Iraq was prosperous and in peace. Under Gaddafii Libya was a paradise and a magnet for the poor and oppressed of the World. Now Libya and Iraq are in turmoil. Syria with Russian and Iranian assistance is never going to allow itself to be destroyed as done to Libya and Iraq. Down with America ! Down with UK and France ! Long live Syria.


America , UK and France under immoral and irrational leadership of Trump , May and Macron under pretext of Chemical Weapons use in already defeated terrorist enclave in a town in Syria must go unresponded. Syria and its main supporters including Russia , Iran and Hezbollah must send clear and strong signal to the major enemies of Syrian peoples. That Syria is not going to be like Iraq and Libya easily destroyed by Obama , Cameron and Sarkozy former leaders of America , UK and France respectively. False allegations of use , production and stockpile by regime of Saddam Husseinof Iraq were propagated for invasion of Iraq , murder and destruction of thousands of lives and properties in Iraq. In the case of Libya lies and propaganda against Gaddafi torturing and killing his peoples in Benghazi was used to force a UN and NATO No Fly Zone over Libya. This was used by same criminal nations of America , UK and France in aid Benghazi Rebels against Gaddafi and his Libyan paradise. The Rebels were created , trained and armed by America , UK and France to destabilize Libya. Today Libya a wealthy haven for the poor and oppressed of the world is now in ruins and divided under terrorist militias a made by Chief Terrorist America and its lackeys. Iraq a rich and peaceful oil producing country like Libya under Gaddafi is in great turmoil. Syria another prosperous oil rich country has been pushed into dirty war by Evil America and its UK and French backers. A brutal terrorist militia known as Islamic State and its equivalent Al Qaeda , aso made by America are being used and protected by their creators in a senseless war against legitimate Syrian government of Bashar Assad. Russia and Iran with Hezbollah are helping Syrian Army to end the War in Syria. Syria now has liberated almost all its areas formerly under inhumane administratio of ISIS , Al Qaeda and other similar militia. The America and its terrorists arste on the run. And America and allies are humiliated and defeated. They do not want to accept their shameful defeat by Assad. And are bent on prolonging the war and escalate it. To achieve theïr diabolical aimthey have faked Chemical Weapons use in the war. They have tthen accused Assad of usig Chemical Weapons. Recent airstrikes against Syrian taets by AAmerica and its supporters UK and Francce is illegal , unacceptatable and to

Friday, April 13, 2018


America , United Kingdom and France under irrational and immoral leadership of Trump , May and Macron have manufactured and Sponsored Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria. And turned round to accuse Syrian Government and its allies Russia and Iran for using their weapons in Douma , a town liberated from US , UK and FRENCH created , armed and funded rebels causing chaos in Syria and attempting to destabilize legitimate Regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Same fake news , propaganda and lies used to prepare grounds for American invasion , destruction and brutalities in Iraq are being enacted. Russia has made it clear to US that the will shoot down any missiles from US and allies against Syrian Regime. Russia further stated it will target Launching Pads of the missiles Warning by Russia to US and allies preparing to prolong and escalate War in Syria to stop their aggressive and irresponsible provocations. Else Russia will go to war with them. Russia has inform United Nations of attepts by US to disturb world peace using faked Syrian Chemical use against its peoples. There is no incentives of a winning government of Assad to use such weapons against anyone. It makes good sense to blame rather enemies of Assad for any use of Chemical Weapons to discredit and invite public opinion against Syrian Army and its backers in their legitimate fight against Western Sponsored Terrorists in Syria. So far no evidence has been shown of Chemical Weapons Use by Assad government. Yet BBC and other western media in the pay roll of US , UK and FRANCE are making it appear Assad , Russia and Iran are guilty. The world must wape up. It must resist attempts by bloodthirty and insane leaders of USA , UK and FRANCE to plunge the world into World War III. Syria is not Libya , which they destroyed easily.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Mama Winnie died at 81 years old. She was former wife of Nelson Mandela , first president of free and post Apartheid South Africa. She kept presence and fighting spirit of Nelson Mandela alive inside the country whilst he was in prison for about 30 years. Winnie was a great symbol of resistance to Racist Apartheid Regime. And advocate for freedom and justice. Under Apartheid she was imprisoned , humiliated and kept in solitary confinement times without number. Her will never was broken. She united the Africans for liberation struggle against Minority European , racist and separatist regime of Apartheid. Her uncompromising spirit and agitation for total liberation of Africans under Apartheid and demise of the evil system made Winnie more radical and faithful to original ANC Agenda for free South Africa than many anti Apartheid fighters , including Nelson Mandela. Great and powerful tree has fallen. Her roots still remain firm inside fertile soil. Mama Winnie , Mother of the Nation is an inspiration and bold example to many progressives in and outside her country. Her detractors waged futile war against her person. All in an attempt to make it easy of for masters of Apartheid to continue to enjoy their loot in free South Africa under African National Congress , ANC. Mandela as president of post Apartheid South Africa failed to make significant changes in favour of real development , economic and social emancipation of real owners of the land. Winnie never like his inability to do so much as expected from him by his people. Winnie Madikizela Mandela will ever be remembered as a freedom fighter. One of exceptional dedication and boldness. Whose fearlessness , strength and will power conquered brutality , wickedness and separate development concept of racist South Africa. She lives always in the heart of many.

Monday, April 9, 2018


America and its allies are a disgrace , irresponsible and bloodthirsty. They instigated war in Syria using terrorists created , armed and funded by them. To destabilize and make it possible for them to steal Syrian Oil and resources. Syrian Army with the help of Russia , Iran and Hezbollah have succeeded in defeating and driving away western backed Terrorists used to cause confusion in Syria. Bashar Assad is in full control as end of the war is about to end. False Chemical Attack allegations are made against Syrian Army each time end of the war is nearing an end. The propaganda is a pretext to prolong the war by America and its allies. Today UNSC is meeting to discuss alleged use of Chemical Weapons against rebels and civilians in an area almost liberated by Syrian Army. Russia has warned America and allies to stop attempts at using false Chemical Attacks in Syria to prepare way for intervention and escalation of about to end War in Syria. Russia has made it clear that it will not allow the US and supporters to continue to destabilize Syria. No sane politician or person sees any need for Syrian Army and its Russian supporters to use Chemical Attack against already defeated terrorists and civilians in a town under their control. And waiting to give safe passage to enemy militia who controlled the town earlier before their defeat by Syrian Army. Iraq was invaded by America under false allegations of use of Weapons Mass Destruction in Iraq by Saddam Husein. Same tactics is being employed by America to invade Syria and overthrow legitimate president Assad of Syria. The world needs to condemn America and its allies for their warmongering and destabilization of Regimes that do not support their policies and activities around the world. The world is not for America , chief terrorist and warmonger.

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Recently Ghana Parliament ratified US-GHANA MILLITARY DEAL. Without participation of the opposition and minority in parliament. Government of President Akufo Addo is under pressure to review or cancel the deal. Many Ghanaians oppose terms of the agreement. Where so much freedom , access and permission are granted American Soldiers , personal and contractors to operate without any say by relevant Ghana Institutions , including the Judiciary. America has effectively been given lisence to bring into the country any items they need , take out items , modify structures and maintain fascilities without state inspection and taxation. American Personnel associated with deal could enter and leave the country with just ID Cards provided by US. They have free use of Radio Spectrum of Ghana and are permitted to build runways for use by their aircrafts. Where US Soldiers , contractors and personnel are involved in any untoward and irresponsible conduct the legal system in America shall be used for resolution of conflicts. For all the one sided benefits America is expected to offer Ghana $20 million in millitary training and equipments to the Ghana Armed Forces. Televised Speech on Thursday by President Akufo Addo expected to clarify and answer pertinent questions on selling Sovereignty of Ghana to America for 20 million dollars was just empty. He used the chance to attack opponents of the unpatriotic millitary deal with America. Already a coalition of minority parties and other groups opposed to the deal have demonstrated massively against the Deal. The coalition calling itself GHANA FIRST PATRIOTIC FRONT , GFPF , has vowed to mobilize national support against the sale of Sovereignty of Ghana to America. The group has decided to educate citizens on nature of the deal and its disadvantages to Ghana.