Monday, November 26, 2018


  • Self confessed American adventurer , fanatic of Colonialist Explorer David Livingston and a Fake Missionary had bribed his way a number of times to Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. His last visit on November 17 to the Islands , where endangered Sentinelese natives of less than 200 stay , met his death under Bows and Arrow. From the Sentinlese tribal people. They proudly remain in isolation and hostile to outside world. Presence of outsiders in their midst could wipe out the tribe. As they have no natural protection for strange pathogens from outsiders. It is illegal by Indian law to go near their abode or visit them. Allen John Chau the rogue visitor , wanted to deceive and change the Sentinelese. With gifts including fishing line and cutting instruments. He failed to soften the hostile natives. He was killed in a storm of arrows , dragged along the beach and burried there. Family of the deceased say they have forgiven the tribe for murdering their 27 year old son. Instead of apologizing for desire of their son to pollute the culture and infect them with diseases. His murder is a success for survival of natives and their ways of life. Nothing is known about their language , customs and spiritual or religious rites. They roam about half naked with just enough something , to cover their middle body , just below the abdomen. Decadent America and Western allies must learn fast. That Colonial era of Civilizing and forced changed of ways and habits of indeginous peoples are over. Tribal peoples have the right to their cultural ways of doing things , living and working on their land for their own benefit. And no outsiders should fool themselves to know better than the Sentinelese , dark and short natives. They arrived over 60 thousands of years ago on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India.

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