Tuesday, November 27, 2018


There is no way humans can boast being superior to Animals in the jungle. Humans wage wars. To kill , cause doom and chaos. In other to make profit. What sense does that make. Humans are naked on video. Copy animal sensual love and promote it on TV and elsewhere. They are in great fear , suspecious of each other and carry weapons for protection. Marriages are broken daily and conflicts appear everywhere in human life. Men are marrying men. Women are marrying women. Homosexuality , touching and smelling human excrement is delight of some part of humankind. They eat and drink human phsiological wase during sensual activities. Strange diseases such as HIV/AIDS are acquired from homosensual activities. And spread deliberately and widely. Rape is commonplace , contract killings and armed robbery are on the increase. Suicide is prevalent , poverty and homelessness in the midst of plenty in big cities and towns of so called rich nations. Loneliness , exclusion and surving from waste dump sites are common. Rat infested holes called homes abound. Leaders of the world are most idiotic , selfish and greedy. America only super power tops in having senseless men and women at the top of the political ladder. Before Trump , the dotard , was Obama , Bush , Clinton and Regan. Obama destroyed Libya in concert with Cameron and Sarkozy of UK and France respectly. Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq. Regan , Thatcher and Pope John Paul are credited with destroying Soviet Union. And making the worle more unstable. Terrorists , murderers and bloodthirsty extremists such as ISIS , AL QAEDA , BENGHAZI REBELS and others like them are creations of US policies. To destabilize Syria , Iraq , Libya and others perceived as enemies of US and their western allies. United Nations is a device to promote US and western evil interests.

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