Thursday, November 29, 2018


Putin must be sensible and stop following unreliable Trump. There is nothing good expected from meetings between Trump and Putin. Putin appears very foolish each time Trump slaps sanctions against Russia under Putin. And Putin still continues to be friend Trump and entertain suggestions from Trump for meetings and dialogue. America , Trump and Western allies such as UK , France and others are bent on doing all to discredit Putin and destroy Russia. Vladimir Putin must be a total disgrace , sick and stupid. He entertains US under Trump despite further US and EU Sanctions against Putin and Kremlin. For Crimea breaking away from Ukraine. And freely joining Russian Federation. Putin irrationally and shamelessly humiliated himself and Russia at UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL meeting. Where American and EU instigated evil Sanctions against DPR of Korea for its Nuclear Development Effort was supported by Putin. At a time Putin himself and Russia were under harsh American economic Sanctions. What on this planet is Putin afraid of and makes him so very subservient to Trump administration. Putin must learn fast. That he is weakening power and influence of Russia by his cowardice and friendship with Trump. In the face of unprovoked US and EU aggression and punitive Sanctions against Kremlin. Russia must be anti US and defender of peace , harmony and progress in the World. Russia is better off with enemies of America. And together resist America and its allies. Who are so very determined to enslave the World for their selfish , greedy and immoral advantage. Russia together with China , Iran and DPR of Korea and others are capable of making America and allies ineffective. The US Dollar must be ditched by Russia and its allies. To cripple US dominance in international trade and world financial transactions.

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