Monday, April 9, 2018


America and its allies are a disgrace , irresponsible and bloodthirsty. They instigated war in Syria using terrorists created , armed and funded by them. To destabilize and make it possible for them to steal Syrian Oil and resources. Syrian Army with the help of Russia , Iran and Hezbollah have succeeded in defeating and driving away western backed Terrorists used to cause confusion in Syria. Bashar Assad is in full control as end of the war is about to end. False Chemical Attack allegations are made against Syrian Army each time end of the war is nearing an end. The propaganda is a pretext to prolong the war by America and its allies. Today UNSC is meeting to discuss alleged use of Chemical Weapons against rebels and civilians in an area almost liberated by Syrian Army. Russia has warned America and allies to stop attempts at using false Chemical Attacks in Syria to prepare way for intervention and escalation of about to end War in Syria. Russia has made it clear that it will not allow the US and supporters to continue to destabilize Syria. No sane politician or person sees any need for Syrian Army and its Russian supporters to use Chemical Attack against already defeated terrorists and civilians in a town under their control. And waiting to give safe passage to enemy militia who controlled the town earlier before their defeat by Syrian Army. Iraq was invaded by America under false allegations of use of Weapons Mass Destruction in Iraq by Saddam Husein. Same tactics is being employed by America to invade Syria and overthrow legitimate president Assad of Syria. The world needs to condemn America and its allies for their warmongering and destabilization of Regimes that do not support their policies and activities around the world. The world is not for America , chief terrorist and warmonger.

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