Monday, April 16, 2018


America , UK and France under immoral and irrational leadership of Trump , May and Macron under pretext of Chemical Weapons use in already defeated terrorist enclave in a town in Syria must go unresponded. Syria and its main supporters including Russia , Iran and Hezbollah must send clear and strong signal to the major enemies of Syrian peoples. That Syria is not going to be like Iraq and Libya easily destroyed by Obama , Cameron and Sarkozy former leaders of America , UK and France respectively. False allegations of use , production and stockpile by regime of Saddam Husseinof Iraq were propagated for invasion of Iraq , murder and destruction of thousands of lives and properties in Iraq. In the case of Libya lies and propaganda against Gaddafi torturing and killing his peoples in Benghazi was used to force a UN and NATO No Fly Zone over Libya. This was used by same criminal nations of America , UK and France in aid Benghazi Rebels against Gaddafi and his Libyan paradise. The Rebels were created , trained and armed by America , UK and France to destabilize Libya. Today Libya a wealthy haven for the poor and oppressed of the world is now in ruins and divided under terrorist militias a made by Chief Terrorist America and its lackeys. Iraq a rich and peaceful oil producing country like Libya under Gaddafi is in great turmoil. Syria another prosperous oil rich country has been pushed into dirty war by Evil America and its UK and French backers. A brutal terrorist militia known as Islamic State and its equivalent Al Qaeda , aso made by America are being used and protected by their creators in a senseless war against legitimate Syrian government of Bashar Assad. Russia and Iran with Hezbollah are helping Syrian Army to end the War in Syria. Syria now has liberated almost all its areas formerly under inhumane administratio of ISIS , Al Qaeda and other similar militia. The America and its terrorists arste on the run. And America and allies are humiliated and defeated. They do not want to accept their shameful defeat by Assad. And are bent on prolonging the war and escalate it. To achieve theïr diabolical aimthey have faked Chemical Weapons use in the war. They have tthen accused Assad of usig Chemical Weapons. Recent airstrikes against Syrian taets by AAmerica and its supporters UK and Francce is illegal , unacceptatable and to

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