Monday, December 10, 2018


  • Big Bang Theory starts from a very dense point at very high temperature. To the Theorists the point expanded for a while , cooled and subatomic particles appeared. Then atoms and gases such as Hydrogen and Helium formed. The gases and particles , according to the theory of Big Bang , combined in some forms. And produced Galaxies. Galaxies are moving away from each other at a rate. Which confirms expanding Universe. Observed conditions and rate of expansion of Universe when extrapolated backwards in time give calculated value of about 13 billion years as possible start of Big Bang. This does not determine age of existence or being. Because what existed before Big Bang is unknown by present level of knowledge and competence in Physics , Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity. Whatever existed before Big Bang must be Self Created. This entity is God , First Cause or Source of Existence or Being. Big Bang is incompetent , irrational and useless to explain existence and its Origin. Observable Universe is Subject Matter of Big Bang. The Theory is a Model attempting to explain Observable Universe. Unobservable Universe is outside domain of Big Bang. However Existence is both observable and unobservable. Material and Immaterial or Physical and Spiritual. For example Brain is a Material Substance. Whilst Idea connected with the Brain is Immaterial. Nature of God falls into domain of Theology and Philosophy. Two main Schools of thought exist in relationship to what constitutes primary Reality ? Which comes first Brain (Matter) or Idea (Immaterial/Spirit). Is Matter/Brain product of Spirit/Idea or Spirit product of Matter ? Answers to these Philosophical Questions identify Idealists and Materialist Schools. Idealists take Spirit as primary Reality. Whilst Materialists take Matter as primary Reality.

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