The World has more unthinking , irrational and selfish people than sane thinking and loving men and women. That is a reason why there is so much misery , poverty and lack of peace in the World. America the Chief Terrorist and War maker controls large portions of human and international activities everywhere. Sane humanity rejects insane America and what it it stands for. It supports a Revolutionary System based on rational management of means of production for benefit of humankind. They reject production of comodities for profit. And call for equitable and sane distribution of resources. For improved living standard and health of all peoples.
Ideology favourable to realizing rational and humane management of society is anti Capitalism. It is rooted in Revolutionary Socialism and Communist Principles. Which seek to utilize all capacities of all and in the interest of all.
Marxism affords great and necessary insight into the way forward. That Capitalism must be overthrown , replaced and managed by the working peoples under a new social order. Where exploitation of human labour by the few for increasing private wealth is non existent.
Capitalism is a stage in development of society. Where labour of the majority working class is exploited , under paid , for the advantage of minority owners of means of production , distribution and exchange.
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