Saturday, October 10, 2020


Regious Cult is a secret group involved in secret spiritual worship. Object of Worship is kept secret to membership. Until they are neck deep into activities and ideas exposed to them. And have demonstrated faithfulness to the Cult. The spirit worshipped is represented hy Baphomet Symbol of Spirit Forces believed to be responsible for Prosperity , Power and Fame. In their Temples secret rituals , sacrifices and oaths are made to elememtals. For Power , Fame and Wealth and Money. Members include Top business officials , drug barons , banksters , politicians and lawyers. Main reason for joining such groups is to have promised Power , Wealth and Capacity to control and manipulate others. Every aspect of Religious Cult is anti God and satanic. Membership recruitment manuals , literature and advertisements are deceptive. With dubious claims , promises and advantages. They pretend to be enlightened. To do and undo as they wish. Especially to control and gain advantage of others. And to manipulate situations for pecuniary and other gains. Many have been cheated , destroyed and made lunatics by joining Religious Cults. Most corrupt , immoral and questionable characters identify with the secret group.. Do not be deceived. Reject Religious Cults and all similar secret groups , their mystical and esotheric teachings and practices. They are dark , empty and misleading. They lead to eventual inner fear , confusion , unhappiness and doom.

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