Sunday, October 11, 2020


Ethiopian Jews are direct descendants of famous conjugal unity between Wisest King Solomon of Israel and most Beautiful African Queen of Sheba of Ethiopia. Whose name was actually Makeda. For many years Children of Marriage between King Solomon and Queen of Sheba were not recognized as real Jews by leadership of Modern Israel. Even though throughout the ages these Special Peoples and their descendants have faithfully practised Judaism in Ethiopia. Miraculous Evacuation of Ethiopian Jews through very hard and dangerous land journey from Ethiopia to Sudan and then Special Tourist Air Flight to Israel finally caused them to be accepted as Jews by Israeli Political and Religious Leaders. Around the time Ethiopian Jews were being denied access to settle in their Fatherland , because of lack of recognition as True Jews , dubious Russian Economic Migrants and Mercenaries pretending to be descendants of Russian Jewish Holocaust Victims were being processed with speed as Jews and Citizens of Jewish State Of Israel. "Russian Jews" were offered gienerous Enticements , Financial and Social Support to live and work comfortably in Israel. Something revolting happened after Ethiopian Jews gained access to settle as Citizens in thier Homeland. King Solomon's African Sons and Daughters in Israel once responded freely and with joy to demands for Blood Donations to save Jewish Lives. Racist Jewish Health Officials collected Blood Donations from Ethiopian Jews. And shamelessly discarded the Blood into a Cesspool. With tacit encouragement from Racist Jewish Leadership at the time. Today after years of their sad , painful and very risky Exodus from Ethiopia into Israel their Fatherland , Ethiopian Jews face many unnecessary and easily avoidable challenges. They are considered Second Class Citizens in Israel , undergoing discrimination , humiliation and deprivation. As a group they linger at bottom level of Society. With no genuine Official Efforts to improve their miserable and inhumane living conditions. Despite institutional discrimination and racism against them they are still dedicated , hardworking members of Society and great defenders of Jewish Ethics and Way of Life. Many work at menial jobs to scratch a living. Others enroll in Israeli Defense Force ( IDF). And some fortunate African Jews are gainfully engaged in private commercial business activities. Mostly involving Buying and Selling Commodities. However encouraging numbers are making it as Skilled Professionals , including Teachers and Health Care Providers.

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