Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Vladimir Putin on August 11 , 2020 announced to the World production of successfully tested Vaccine against COVID-19 by Russian Researchers. He shocked all saying that his daughter had already been vaccinated with the new Corona Virus Vaccine. Some have doubts about efficacy of Russian made anti COVID-19 Vaccine. They are skeptical because details on the vaccine , experiments , testing and safety conditions , are unknown to broader international community of COVID-19 Vaccines Researchers. Russia and China have been accused of hacking into COVID-19 Vaccines Development Files in American and UK Research Institutions. It must be good news for the fight against the pandemic if indeed Russia has succeeded to make the much needed antidote to COVID-19 infections. America is leading in rates of infections and deaths due to the new disease. And Trump had indicated buying millions of Vaccines whenever available for use in America. Already millions of US dollars have been given to American pharmaceutical companies involved in COVID-19 Vaccines Research by Trump. For purchase of Vaccines from them , in case they produce effective vaccines. One wonders if Trump's attention will be directed to Russia for procurement of millions of Russian made vaccines against the pandemic. America must be very disturbed that Superpower Rival has led the race to find and produce COVID-19 Vaccine. Russia is ready to do mass vaccination of its population very soon. Success of the exercise will build confidence and encourage Worldwide applications of the new vaccine , for administration and management of the new pandemic. Any such vaccines are to be freely available to all at no cost to patients. Governments should endeavor to make the vaccines accessible and free of charge. Researchers must be fully funded by governments to help make possible mass production , distribution and free access to the vaccines by everyone in the World. Details of COVID-19 Research experiments are to be given to all relevant research institutions. So that improved vaccines could be made for effective control and defeat of the pandemic. Unhealthy competition and rivalry should be avoided in the search to control , manage and eliminate the enemy number one disease in the World today. However personal hygiene , preventive and safety measures against spread of pandemic must be encouraged at all times in the fight against COVID-19 infections and deaths. These include eating balanced diet to boost immune system , regular washing of hands with soap under clean running water and use of alcohol based hand sanitizer. Staying at home where necessary , social/physical distancing of at least one metre long , avoiding mass gatherings and wearing of protective gear such as face masks are also effective Protective and Safety Protocols. Real origin of Corona Virus Disease-19 is clouded in mastery. China announced early 2020 a strange viral disease found in Wuhan. It was suspected to have emanated from Wild Animals Market by probably someone eating contaminated meat from the Market. As the disease started spreading inside Europe , America and elsewhere epidemiologists speculated disease causing virus could have been released from Virus Experiments Laboratory in China or elsewhere. The pandemic has so far claimed over 17 million infections and more than half a million deaths all over the World. With United States on top , followed by Brazil and then Russia and Peru in order of magnitude of COVID-19 cases. Symptoms include very high body temperature , caughing and sneezing and breathing difficulties. Infected person may infect those in at most 1.5 meteres radius of the infected individual. Droplets containing Corona Virus may reach one nearer less than 1.5 metres. Not all victims show symptoms of the COVID-19 disease. Asymptomatic carriers of the deadly virus may also infect others. That makes the pandemic very scary and more difficult to deal with. With no cure , treatment is not standardized. Trial and Error forms major part of management and treatment of the sick. Researchers in Oxford University were leading in COVID-19 Vaccines Experiments prior to Russian made Vaccine. Oxford Scientists are doing tests and trials of their COVID19 Vaccine in UK and other Countries. Let us hope they succeed to create effective vaccines to fight against the pandemic. Other medical scientists in America and many parts of the World are also progressing in search for appropriate Vaccines to control the dangerous enemy.

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