Friday, October 16, 2020


Here is Mysterious Journey into a dense forest. And Mystical Experience of the young girl who visited the forest. Kasa Maaba was her name. How she entered the forest was a mystery. Cave close to a Stream became her Home. Creatures and Spirits visited and invited the girl. For Secret Lessons. Kasa loved the Vegetation , Animals and Music of the Forest. She climbed trees , ate insects and wild fruits. The Moon , Stars and Sounds around guided her , especially at night , to and from the Cave Home. Nature opened its Secrets and Spirits widened her understanding of things and events inside the dense Forest Habitat. Certain Forces submitted to Commands of Kasa Maaba. She was gifted with Magical Activities , Healing and Inner Vision , from encounters with Spiritual Entities. Plants , Insects , Birds and Wind delivered Esoteric Knowledge to Kasa Maaba. From Spirit World. Kasa means Speak and Maaba is appearance in obedience to a Call. Page 2 Welcome: Akwaaba was a Priestess at Sumsum Krom. Her name derives from two words , Ako and Aba. Ako means One has gone away. Whilst Aba signifies One has come back. The name is a Greeting for One who has arrived Safely Home , from a journey. Akwaaba is simply Welcome Home. Kasa Maaba received Akwaaba at her Cave Home. The Two attracted each other. The girl followed the Native Doctor to Sumsum Krom , a Spiritual Village. Inhabitants of Sumsum Krom were pleased with arrival and Story of Mysterious Girl. Folklore had described a Wonderful Daughter. She went to fetch water from a Stream. Many years ago and did not return home. Drumming and Dancing , Sacrifices to Ancestral Spirits and Fine Incantation Songs greeted Kasa Maaba. At the Public Square she jumped and danced in circles. To Melodic Tunes and Incantations. Kasa Maaba produced Liquid Herbal Mixtures , drank and transformed into big Snake and then Beautiful Bird. The Elegant Dove flew , circled round Sumsum Krom and changed , on the ground , into Kasa Maaba. The Crowd cheered and praised their Ancestors. For bringing back their lost Daughter. Page 3 Family: At 18 years Kasa Maaba accepted and married Fa-Me , Son of Akwaaba. Fa is take and Me is Me. That is Fa-Me means Take Me. The Husband knew little in Spirit Existence and Herbal Medicine. Specially schooled by his wife and Akwaaba in Secret Knowledge, Rituals and Magic Fa-Me developed Spiritually. He joined his Mother and Wife to practise Healing and Magic. Good Health , Prosperity and Great Joy visited all who consulted them. Kasa was blessed with four children. Each had a Mystical Mark. The Marks indicated their future activities in progress of Sumsum Krom. The Daughters grew in Strength , Inner Knowledge and Spiritual Powers. They were named Asase(Land) , Ensu(Water) , Amba(Seed) and Nam(Meat). The names reflected their various Gifts. Page 4 Spiritual Village: Sumsum and Krom are Spirit and Village respectively. Sumsum Krom , Spiritual Village , started growing very fast. Its name and Miraculous Activities spread far and wide. Every difficulty was subdued. The Blind , Deaf and Dumb were healed. The Weak became Stronger and Powerful. And the Famous more Secured and Richer. Without Kasa Maaba nothing much was done to protect the image of the Village. A combination of Water , Forest Herbs and Words of Incantations created a Panacea. The mixture was fortified with Secret Recitations , Command to Ancestors and other Spirits for wellbeing of the Sick and Afflicted. Patients came from many places , near and far. Good Health , Prosperity and Great Joy met all of them. Page 5 Mystical Girls: Asase(Land) , Ensu(Water) , Amba(Seed) and Nam(Meat) were gifted/blessed with Effective Use of Land , Irrigation Methods , Seeds and Meat Production respectively. Land Fertility depended on Mystical Powers of Asase. Ensu chanted and Rains came down. Amba commanded and various Seeds appeared for planting. Sea and Land Animals responded to Commands from Nam(Meat) to provide good Meat for the Village. Grains , Tubers and Legumes , Vegetables , Eggs and Meat were never in short supply at Sumsum. No one went to bed without enough nourishment. Market Days were Special , Colourful and Happy Moments. Near and faraway Settlements came traded and bought food items from Spiritual Village. Productive and Wonderful Farming Activities attracted other farmers from various surrounding areas to work on the land within Spiritual Village. Population and Development increased with great improvement in Health and Prosperity of inhabitants. Sumsum Krom was full of praises for Kasa Maaba's four Wonderful Daughters. Page 6 Secrets: The Forest provided special insight. Plants , Insects , Birds , Animals and Stones talked to each other. And helped one another. The Wind , Rain , Sun , Moon and Stars joined the Conversation and other activities. Kasa Maaba interacted with Nature. She communicated with , observed and copied Nature. Concoction of Herbs , Insects and Rain Water healed Sick and Wounded Animals. Insects never got sick. Troubled Trees and Vegetation were cured by Sunshine , Animal Faeces and Rain Water. Unseen Forces Vibrated within all Creatures. Kasa Maaba applied her Observations , Special Understanding and Esoteric Knowledge to save herself and Cretures from Crises. Wind , Rain , Stars and Shadows due to Sunshine were Messengers from Supernatural Elements. They delivered future events to Kasa Maaba. Her Destiny was to Teach , Remove Pain , Create Peace , Harmony and Prosperity for all. This Revelation informed her following of Akwaaba to Sumsum Krom. Page 7 Destiny: Destiny took Kasa Maaba into the Forest. Same moved her to Sumsum Krom. To Comfort , Give Hope and Joy to everyone who visited her presence. Sumsum Krom became Famous , Very Populated and Wealthy. Due to Kasa Maaba's Spiritual and Healing Activities. Village Eleders Gladly declared and made her Queen of Spiritual Village. For her far reaching and Wonderful Contributions to the Development and Wellbeing of the Village and its members. Selected and Interested Children were Instructed on Fridays , In Inner Sanctum , inside Magnificent Palace of Queen Maaba. Magic , Herbal Medicine , Sacred Rituals and Incantations formed Special part of Curriculum taught at the Esoteric School , under Queen Kasa Maaba. Friday Nights were engaged in Special Practical Lessons Inside Forest. Communication with Plants , Animals and Unseen Elememtals were practised. Stars Reading , Listening and Responding to Messages from Spirits and properties of Herbs were learnt. Four Mystical Children of Queen Maaba shared Special Insights , with Initiates into Mysteries of Existence , on Land Use and Fertility and Water and Irrigation , Seed and Meat Production. Graduates of Esoteric Teachings occupied prominent positions in the Spiritual Village. They practised Healing , Divination and performed Magical Acts for sole benefit of Village Population and Visitors. Queen Maaba , Husband Prince Fa-Me and Akwaaba Mother of the Prince each lived over 100 years. Queen Kasa Maaba died on Friday Night Inside Forest after impacting Mystical Knowledge to Students of Mysteries of Life. She was buried in a Tomb inside a Cave. And declared Saint Maaba Of Sumsum Krom On The Day Of Burial.

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