Thursday, December 20, 2018
December 19 shall remind many the day American President Donald Trump came to his senses. And ordered pull out of Univited US Soldiers inside Syria. Americans have been there training , arming and supporting ISIS , Al Qaeda and other Terrorist Militia against Syrian peoples and their legitimate leaders in government. Invitation to Russia , by Syrian President Bashir Assad , to stop Terrorists' brutalities in Syria have enabled Syrian Army to defeat US backed Terrorists who had previously captured and controlled large portions of Syria under a Caliphate , Islamic Rule and Law. Syrians with alternative views to ISIS/Al Qaeda Terrorists were beheaded , stabbed and burnt alive to death. Many were also hanged in public for opposing the Terrorists. Women and children were raped , tortured and made sex slaves by the Islamic Terrorist Militia under American influence and support. Yesterday Trump falsely claimed American victory for defeat of Terrorists in Syria. And then ordered American forces to leave Syria , starting with State Department officials. Who include US Mercinaries and CIA agents. Today warmongers in government , Senate and Congress and at Pentagon are up in arms against the pull out. They are shocked and are determined to delay total withdrawal of unwanted US destabilization Troops in Syria. War is a racket. It is a secret agenda by Pentagon and their friends in government and big business to make huge profits. From arms procurement , payments to Mercinaries and Companies that supply war and personal needs of fighting Soldiers. They make further gains looting wealth of War torn areas. Much of wealth of Iraq , Libya , Afghanistan and Syria have already been stolen by US Warmongers. Leaving Syria will deprive them of profits from War. That is the more reason why the War Profiteers are very unhappy.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
What sense does it make to have Prime Minister Theresa May negotiate Exit Deal with EU for BREXIT. She has openly stated she voted to REMAIN in EU in the BREXIT Referendum. Such anti BREXIT and REMAIN leader cannot genuinely do favourable DEAL for BREXIT with EU. It is not surprising she is afraid to subject her EXIT DEAL for parliamentary approval. And has suspended needed vote on the DEAL. May disallowed the vote which was to take place last Tuesday. Reasoning that it will be rejected. And that she has to make further contacts with EU leaders. To elicit changes in the EXIT DEAL. To satisfy majority vote supporting it. Yesterday an attempt at removing her from office with No Confidence Vote failed. With 200 parliamentary and Cabinet members of her Conservative Party against her removal. And 117 for her removal from office. Results of No Confidence Vote by her party now give her a year to stay as Prime Minister before another attempt to oust her from office. Today Theresa May has gone to do further bargaining with EU leaders. Aimed at extracting improved EXIT DEAL from them. Even before her visit , EU had indicated present Withdrawal Document is final. They are unwilling to make legal changes to please BREXIT. Only assuarances are expected to be made by the EU. On certain controversial aspects of the DEAL. Parts that seem to tie BREXIT indefinately to to some EUROPEAN UNION control and direction. Agitation for vote on the Document next week is coming from many. What next if EXIT DEAL with or without changes is rejected ? To May that could mean BREXIT with No DEAL , No BREXIT at all or New REFERENDUM on BREXIT. There is no moral sense for a second vote on BREXIT or REMAIN. No BREXIT will be anti Democratic and unacceptable to BREXIT supporters. BREXIT without DEAL is far better than BREXIT with BAD DEAL.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
The people have voted for BREXIT in a Referendum. March 29 , 2019 is expected to see UK out of EU. Today exit deal from EU failed to be rejected or accepted in a vote in parliament. Because Prime Minister May felt the Deal would be rejected. In other to reduce areas of discord in the Exit Deal she is visiting European leaders today. For a way of making the document acceptable to a good number of parliamentarians. And the peoples in UK. REMAIN voters are attempting to steal the Referendum Result. By making it appear there must be new Referendum on EXITING or REMAINING in EU. Instead of peoples vote on just the Exit Deal. And to determine if the people want Brexit based on present controversial Deal or without deal acceptable to EU. One wonders the nonsense over Brexit with good EU Deal. EU must not determine the Will of UK. Once Bsexit is what is desired by the people , there should no unnecessary attempts at existing EU and at the same time enjoy EU policies. Brexit is a clear vote against EU. And desire of UK to go on its own way. Have its destiny untied to EU. Fighting over good or bad deal with EU before UK breaks away with rejected EU is irrational , nonsense and irresponsible. Nation worth its salt does not want enslavement by any other. Self determination makes good sense. It is morally sound and satisfying to needs of sane , bold and proud peoples. The British have always thought they are wiser. And always want to harvest what they have not planted. Dishonest British character shows clearly in all the debate over favourable exit deal with EU. EU is not stupid to allow UK to leave EU and enjoy benefits of being part of EU. British nonsense of attempting to eat cake and have it must give way to sanity. What is rejected by BREXITis not suitable. It cannot be suitable to BREXIT at the same time.
Monday, December 10, 2018
- Big Bang Theory starts from a very dense point at very high temperature. To the Theorists the point expanded for a while , cooled and subatomic particles appeared. Then atoms and gases such as Hydrogen and Helium formed. The gases and particles , according to the theory of Big Bang , combined in some forms. And produced Galaxies. Galaxies are moving away from each other at a rate. Which confirms expanding Universe. Observed conditions and rate of expansion of Universe when extrapolated backwards in time give calculated value of about 13 billion years as possible start of Big Bang. This does not determine age of existence or being. Because what existed before Big Bang is unknown by present level of knowledge and competence in Physics , Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity. Whatever existed before Big Bang must be Self Created. This entity is God , First Cause or Source of Existence or Being. Big Bang is incompetent , irrational and useless to explain existence and its Origin. Observable Universe is Subject Matter of Big Bang. The Theory is a Model attempting to explain Observable Universe. Unobservable Universe is outside domain of Big Bang. However Existence is both observable and unobservable. Material and Immaterial or Physical and Spiritual. For example Brain is a Material Substance. Whilst Idea connected with the Brain is Immaterial. Nature of God falls into domain of Theology and Philosophy. Two main Schools of thought exist in relationship to what constitutes primary Reality ? Which comes first Brain (Matter) or Idea (Immaterial/Spirit). Is Matter/Brain product of Spirit/Idea or Spirit product of Matter ? Answers to these Philosophical Questions identify Idealists and Materialist Schools. Idealists take Spirit as primary Reality. Whilst Materialists take Matter as primary Reality.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Planned fuel tax increases in France has pulled weekly demonstrations against the government of president Macron. Protesters are in Yellow Vests demanding no such increases. Which to them will worsen the plight of workers and the poor. Students , bus drivers and progressives are involved in the marches. Last week the protests became very violent and some people died. Over 400 protesters were arrested. And more than 100 were injured in a confrontation between the Police and Yellow Vest Movement. Tomorrow Saturday Demonstrations are going to be very massive according leaders of the Movement. Government has already decided not to increase fuel taxes until further notice. Despite the suspension of planned fuel taxes demonstrators are still bent on marching on Elysee , Presidential Palace , tomorrow. Thousands are expected to participate in Saturday's stand off with government forces. Government has rallied Tens of thousands of police throughout France to prevent nation wide protest from getting out of hand. There is indication that the demonstrators are not satisfied with Macron Government and its policies. The demonstrations under leadership of both left and right of centre activities are determined to overthrow the government of France. Government officials have already condemned attempts by revolutionaries to bring down Macron and his government. Government has vowed to use necessary force to prevent the protesters from continuing to burn down state properties and institutions and cause further deaths tomorrow. Will Macron survive the anger of determined demonostrators bent on sending a signal that the government is not above the people. That it must be responsive to needs of the people they represent in government. The French are known for being revolutionary in causing changes in their interests.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Handwritten letter of Einstein to German Philosopher Eric Gutkin in 1954 was few days ago auctioned for 2.9 million US Dollars. The one and half page letter contained speculations on God , Religion and the Bible. Einstein wrote God is expression and product of Human weakness. He said the Bible is Venerable Stories of primitive nature. And to him Religion is incarnation of primitive superstition. The Jewish Scientist added though his mentality is deeply rooted in his Jewish origin , Jews and their Religion like all others are the same. And non is superior to the other. It must be noted that Einstein is celebrated as greatest Physicist of 20 th Century. For his Energy-Mass Equation. Which is E=M(C^2). Where E is Energy , M is Mass and C is velocity of Light. Einstein is unqualified to make much sense speculating on God and Religion. Physics is experimental Science with Scientific Method that is subjective and defective. Even Mathematics and Astronomy , the only two pure knowledge (Scientia or Science) fail to make real sense with respect to Theology. Einstein's character deformity , dishonesty and lack of integrity , must have influenced his negative notions of God and Religion. Einstein doctored his Equations predicting Expanding Universe. By injecting a fake Constant into them. And forcing the Equations to predict Static Universe to fit prevailing views of Static Universe. Further Astronomical Research of others confirmed Expanding Universe , Galaxies moving away from each other. Einstein later regretted and wrote his greatest mistake was introducing his fake Constant. And rejecting correct results of his Equations showing Expanding Universe for fake Equations showing Static Universe. Einstein the fraudster and dishonest man of Science must not be taken seriously always. Especially on God and Religion.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Die-hard Putin fanatic and Volunteer in the War for liberation from Kiev in the east of Ukraine wrote on my Facebook Timeline. That he does not follow(admire) Trump and has never followed(admired) Trump. He then shouted at me: You stupid Mother Fucker. In response he was told his great admirer/supporter Vladimir Putin stupidly follows Donald Trump. Despite Trump regularly slapping punitive economic sanctions against Putin and Russia. It was suggested Putin was following Trump in an attempt to secure a safe haven in America. To enable Putin and his friends in Kremlin invest their illgotten wealth in American Big Business. This freedom fighter and Volunteer immediately spirited away on reading the response to his post , by blocking me. Thus removing his post and the replies to it. Words in the responses murdered a brave man , unafraid of guns and ready to die for a just cause in eastern Ukraine. The post on my Timeline was a reaction to Facebook Comment where Fanatical followers of Putin were described as irrational. Just before 2016 US presidential elections Facebook Groups supporting Putin and Russia wished Trump victory over Hillary. Trump was perceived irrationally as friendly to Putin and Russia from Trump campaign rhetoric. And Hillary an enemy to the two. Putin not Trump was implicit in the post on the Timeline. How could greater admirer of Putin who greatly admirers Trump be anti Trump and still very pro Putin. To us it is irrational to follow fanatically Putin and not Trump. The rumaway fighter is TEXAS on Facebook.
Monday, December 3, 2018
In 2016 before US presidential contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump many pro Putin and Russia Online Groups , especially ones on Facebook were full of condemnation against Hillary. They saw her as anti Russia and Putin. And supported wildly , happily and wished Trump to win. Trump throughout the presidential Campaigns had indicated in speech his desire to move America closer to Russia and Putin. Russian State Media such as RT , SPUTNIK and TASS spewed propaganda in favour of Trump. They painted Trump reliable , peacemaker and friendly to Kremlin. Who must win for better US and Russia relations. For peace and harmony in the World. Trump had time to condenn US Wars around the World , wastage of US Funds on useless programmes and Charities. Whilst Americans gain nothing but increasing poverty and unemployment. Trump's rhetoric on America First endeared him to his peoples. He eventually defeated Hillary , Warmonger and Anti-Russia candidate , and became president of USA. Democratic Party of Hillary continues to blame her defeat on Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential contest. Where just before voting leaked personal Emails allegedly by Russian Cyber experts painted Hillary very badly to Americans and the World. Trump has only not failed to make friends with Putin and Russia. He has rather used every opportunity to humiliate and attempt to weaken Putin and Russia with unprovoked punitive economic sanctions. Despite abruptly refusing to meet Putin for slightest of excuses and increasing sanctions slapped on Kremlin , Fanatical followers of Putin irrationally still support moves by Putin to get closer to US via Trump. Planned Trump and Putin Meeting in Argentina , during G20 Conference , was cancelled by Trump. For Putin stopping provocative Ukraine War Ships invading Kerch.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Russian president Vladimir Putin is forcing to make friends with America via Trump. Despite US and Trump slapping punitive economic sanctions reguarly against Putin and Russia. For no sane justification. Apart from attempting to demoralize , weaken and eventually ovethrow leadership in Kremlin. And replace leadership with their favourites. Who are traitors of Mother Russia and mercinaries for American interests. Putin appears to think that by wanting to be closer to America through friendship with Trump he could abort open Regime Change agenda of US in Russia. Putin is chief representative of pro Capitalist and anti Socialist Russian elite. They are very corrupt , shameless and parasitic beneficiaries of US destruction of Soviet Union. They are behind all Putin attempts to be friend Trump. To enable them gain safe haven in decadent America. To invest their illgotten wealth in American big business. And make further exploitative gains to increase their wealth. Putin openly said not very ago to please Capitalist America. That he never like Socialism , whilst he was a prominent Spy Master under Soviet Union. His intelligence gathering activities covered Europe. And was stationed in Germany. The Russia peoples have revolutionary energy. They are capable of making history again. By rejecting fake miracle medicine , named Peristroika and Glasnot. For solution of all their challenges , woes and aspirations under Russian Federation. Since the demise of Soviet Union few connected elements have made unbelievably huge wealth. Whilst majority of fine and hardworking Russians are struggling to make life meaningful , secure and happy. Fear has engulfed many. And are unable to be themselves. The C6System has silenced real , dynamic opposition to bad governance and economic mismanagement.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
- The average Russian today is more fearful , uncertain and reluctant to express candid views in public , online and elsewhere. Russians since break up of Soviet Union have been deceived to look up to America for examples in living. Many have been exposed to pseudo US glamour , high life and fake Western freedom and justice. Perestroika and Glasnot were falsely painted as magic medicine for Russian development and progress. Soviet Russia achieved more progress , development and prosperity in less than 70 years after the Revolution than what America and Europe had made over 500 years , using mostly brute force and slave labour. Anti Socialist leaders of Kremlin now are anti people , very corrupt and wish to have cozy relationship with decadent America. Putin is chief representative of anti Socialist and pro Capitalist leaders in Russia. He is humiliating himself and Russians to make friends with Trump , hoping to find safe haven in USA. For stolen wealth of good peoples of Russian Federation. Most Russians are brutalized with fear of arrest and imprisonment for promoting alternative views and programmes to that of corrupt elite leadership in Kremlin. Putin consistenly appears in controlled surveys as very popular. Poll results are based on fear than genuine support. No sane room for dissent and opposing groups to operate in Russia. The people are not even really interested in government and politics. They are more concerned about bread and butter issues. How they are going to survive under massive corrupt state apparatus is their main challenge. Recent attempts to increase pension age to 65 for men and about 60 years for women is indicative of poor economic management of abundant resources in Russia. Russian life span is below 60 years. That means the state cleverly wants to steal workers' pensions.
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