Friday, August 4, 2017


Trump signs New Sanctions Bill against Russia , Iran and North Korea. That restricts his own power to make changes at any time in the Sanctions Regime.
In other words Trump has created a law against his presidential powers , in respect to sanctions against the Trio , seen stupidly and dishonestly as US adversaries.
Prostitutes humiliate themselves for a price. Trump must be a whore. One who freely accepts to dehumanize himself for no apparent gain. Donald Trump must be a disturbed man. His challenges may be difficult mental dysfunctioning. After making anti-Trump and Sanctions Bill into Law , strange and troubled US president went on Twitter. And shamelessly posted a tweet that it was the Congress to blame making him translate the Bill , he pretends to dislike , into law with his presidential signature and stamp of of approval.
Will sane part of humankind understand and reject him as he must be. Or attempt to cover up his insincerity , dishonesty and trickery or indecisiveness.
Trump must be unstable. He must be a hypocrite or dead ignorant. Very unable to distinguish between good and evil. What is proper , right and just. And what is not.
It appears Americans from early stages are very destroyed. Through daily diet of poisonous information , disinformation and propaganda against perceived external enemies. Including Russia , Iran and Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
For simple reason that these and others like them have seen through US madness , inhumanity and appetite for world domination.
And have strongly opposed the US. And have elected for Humane , Alternative Social , Political and Economic Arrangement to that of America.
Every Alternative Order to American Warmongering , Regime Change Syndrome and use of Terrorists to execute dirty US Agenda is US Enemy.

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