Friday, July 14, 2017


Football is placed at a fake higher level above other sports and games. It has no special inherent merit.
Often the game only serves to encourage wasting time and moving peoples away from more productive , sane and fine activities.
Recent funeral in UK of a child Football fun was attended by thousands of mourners. Falsely giving impression that the sport is something extraordinary.
Mostly players are school never do well and dropouts. Who have seen a way of making millions on International Football Stage.
Forced advertising value due to media hype and commercialization has made Football appear attractive to the youth. They watch matches on TV. And desire to be players. Instead of staying at school longer , studying and doing assignments and graduating as qualified skilled members of society.
Footballers are not necessarily good role models. There are many cases of players involved in illicit drugs taking , extra-marital and sex scandals and unhealthy social relationships.
Good number are very superstitious and the teams rely on all fair and foul means to win games and make more money. It has become very mercinary. Bribing Football referees , officials and teams to rig games is not uncommon. Racism has crept into the sport. With increasing violence and misconduct during and especially after games. Children must be discouraged to look on Football as major means of livelihood. They are to be made more interested in learning at Schools , Colleges and Universities. To qualify and practise other skilled professions like teaching , engineering and medicine. Including Building and Construction , carpentry , Dressmaking and Repairing of mechanical and electronic devices. They could consider the game as part time activity for recreation and exercising body for good health.

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