Friday, August 9, 2013


Zimbabweans have again voted Robert Mugabe as president. He was leader
of Liberation Movement that gained independence , from racist Ian
Smith regime of Rhodesia. Land Reforms , fair distribution of fertile
lands to the people , has infuriated western supporters of the old
regime , where few Europeans controlled about 90% of virgin lands and
natural resources. Mugabe's human transformation of Rhodesia into
Zimbabwe is the greatest good , for the fine people. Ian Smith
proclaimed fine humanity of president Mugabe , refused to be used
against Zimbabwe and happily lived and died peacefully under president
Mugabe. Queen of England recognized and honoured Mugabe , with
Knighthood , for his profound impact on society. He holds more than
ten reputable University Degrees in Political Science , Sociology ,
Economics , Phylosophy , History and other fields. Not many world
leaders and his detractors are so capable and learned. Inferiority
complex makes western leaders hate him. Mugabe is a Revolutionary

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