Thursday, February 14, 2019

FIDEL CASTRO LIVES FORbEVER NOVEMBER 2016 Great Tree has fallen. It went down on November 25 , 2016. Fidel Castro is dead. Sane World mourns. Castro was Christ Like. He liberated humankind from oppression. Gave them hope. And made them better. The man was humane. He defended all under Capitalist Exploitation. Commander Castro was revolutionary , selfless and did much to make humanity better. In Cuba and around the Globe. Many feel great loss of Great Moral Giant. Fidel represented great resistance to American madness , immorality and dictatorship. For over 50 years after the start of Cuban Revolution in 1959 he survived CIA attempts to murder him. CIA failed multiple times to destroy the Commander and his revolution in Cuba. Instead the Cuban Revolution went deep into Africa , Latin America and elsewhere. To fight , help and liberate nations and peoples from Colonialism , Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism. The Great Magnificent Tree has fallen on very fertile soil. It will continue to grow faster and become greater with many branches , fine and very sweet fruits. For all to take , eat and be satisfied. The Elegant and Mighty Tree will be there forever. To satisfy the neefds of humankind. Viva Cuban Socialist Revolution. Viva Castro. Castro Never Dies. Fidel Castro Lives Forever and ever.

MARRIAGE IN DOOM AND CHAOS Marriage today has failed. It is far from being sane , useful and lovely. Atom of Unity has broken. And antagonism reigns in most marriages. Many have headed unto hard rocks , gone inside dirty cesspool and fallen deep into turmoil. Is it necessary to go into Conjugal Unity which really does not exist. Couples are fake , unreliable and not faithful. They sleep around and mess about with different women and men , in the blind side of the other. And at times openly with the knowledge of their partner. Marriage has gone mad. It has turned into prostitution in socially allowed form. Feminists have always disliked sacredness involved in the institution. And have attempted to undermine its sanctity. They must be happy , celebrating and dancing to a fine tune. Over marriage in doom and chaos. MARRIAGE IN DOOM AND CHAOS

SEX CHANGE IS GENITAL DESTRUCTION Sex Change Genital Mutilation and Destruction Western Society is getting very stupid , senseless and strange. Due to fallen , immoral and corrupt , state of many in that part of the World. Dirty , unrealistic and unnatural sex have captured and enslaved a great number of men , women and boys and girls. Eassy access to cheap sex videos promoted by Commercial Sex Industry is to blame. For making deviant sensual practices appear normal. Homosexuality is common with players in film and music business. Political leadership in the West is not left behind. Many have come out of darkness , glorifying their affinity for unnatural carnal knowledge. And their deep involvement in artificial carnal activities. Such politicians and their like in big business and media houses are leading fight for same sex marriage legislations. And acceptance of Transgender Movement. What sense does it make to be a Transgender woman. May be the sense is to deceive and have access to natural women for sensul love in spaces restricted for real , natural and biological women. Trangender women are fake women. They are men in blood and flesh. Yet they are allowed to participate in sports and games for only sane and real women. Public bath and Urinary places shall soon have regular rape cases. Trangender women find it very convenient to satisfy their insatiable appetite for sex with true women in areas specially reserved for natural women. We are yet to find supporters of homosexuality showing rationally any good , healthy and fine reason for LGBT sensual practices. Smelling faeces , touching and licking excrement or human biological wastes dominate their kind of sex atheletics. HIV/AIDS was first identified in USA within homosexual community. Then spread throughout the World. By sex tourists from America to Europe , Asia and Africa. The World must be freed from LGBT notions.