Sunday, December 24, 2017


Christmas is a feast. For birth of Jesus the Christ. It is to be a day of joy and renewal. Christiandom celebrates December 25 each year. To mark coming into being of the Incarnation , God made Man/Human. For Salvation of Humankind.
Christians are divided over rational and appropiateness of replacing Sun god festival day with that of Christmas. Pagans were enticed to Christianity by adopting their day for great Christian feast of Christmas.
Unfortunately real essence of Christmas is lost. The day has become more pagan than ever. One hardly recognizes it as Christian event.
Everything anti Christianity is promoted on December 25. Drinking and promiscuity reigns high during the day. Commercialization takes a centre stage. And Word of God is kept behind. Jesus the Christ is hardly mentioned. His birth and significance once played in songs on radio , at homes and in other places have vanished or faded away with time.
Secular Music has replaced Christmas Songs during Christmas Celebrations. No body seems to care so very much about using the day to reflect on the Christ , his teachings and mission of salvation.
Salvation of Souls is replaced with physical development and progress. God is kept in a cooler. The Spirit is supressed and the Flesh promoted sky high during Christmas. Satan seems to be the power that reigns and controls every aspect of the feast.
Church services are organized just to collect monies and gifts from people , church goers , for use by the clergy.
Love , Peace and Joy have eluded Christians and humankind. For transgression of the Law , Word of God. Selfishness , Greed and corruption have eaten deep into society. And caused so much pain , misery and despair.
The World needs peace. Without love there is no peace. May we turn a new leaf and love all as ourselves for peace.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


United Nations is being misguided , under American influence , for selfish ends. It is oppressive tool in the hands of America and its Western European allies.
Inspite of years of American provocations in the Korean Penisula against DPR of Korea , America is allowed to use UN Security Council to slap Sanctions against Pyongyang. For its Nuclear Research development and testing of ICBM. Activities that are for self defense and protection against threats from America and others. UN is pushed by US to approve its dirty Wars in Iraq , Libya and elsewhere. Where millions have been murdered , lives destroyed and properties.
Former UN Secretary General Butros Ghali of Egypt , resisted American Control of UN. He was prevented from re-elected and replaced by Kofi Annan , a lackey of the West. This man as head of UN Peace Keeping saw and failed to prevent and stop brutal Ruwandan Genocide which claimed 800, 000 Hutus and Tutsis in a War that could have been avoided by UN.
Strangely Kofi Annan and the UN , with blood of about a million Ruwandans on their heads , were jointly awarded Nobel Peace Prize when Kofi Annan was pushed by America to be UN Secretary General.
That dubious award and clear politicization of Nobel Awards , have rendered the Nobel Prizes empty , funny and very ugly. Former US president Obama was given Nobel Peace Prize few months in office as president. The World was shocked and is still wondering why Barack Obama got the Nobel Peace Award.

Friday, December 8, 2017


Monotheism is One God concept and worship. Judaism , Christianity and Islam claim to be Monotheists. They all have some holy men in common. Such men as Abraham , Isaac and Jacob and many others.
The three religions differ in several ways in their worship and obedience to God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. Jews are mainly anti Jesus the Christ , Mohammad and reject Christianity and Islam.
Islam accepts Jesus but rejects Jesus the Christ as God in Triune God of Christianity. Christian practices , priesthood and basic doctrines however oppose Islamic activities and concepts.
The so called Monotheists take Jerusalem as their Holy City. Wars and many have died in that respect. For control of Jerusalem by one or the other.
East Jerusalem is claimed Capital of Future Palestinian State. Palestinians are made of both of Christians and Muslims. But are mostly Islamic.
Israel refuses to accept divided Jerusalem. And has called it Undivided Eternal Capital of Jewish State. Christians see Jerusalem as a Holy Land.
American President Trump few days ago recognized Jerusalem as Capital of Israel contrary to decades of American Position and International understanding. That future state of Jerusalem must be negotiated peacefully by all stakeholders.
Embassies of Nations in Israel are situated in Tel Aviv. Trump has also order State Department to take steps to move American Embassy to Jerusalem.
Trump's decisions have met with total condemnation international. And the Palestinian Authority has called end of Peace Talk for Two State Solution to Israeli and Palestinian conflict.
Trump is said to be satisfying a campaign promise to Jewish Supporters for his presidency. That movement of US Embassy to Jerusalem could not be any time so soon. For design and safety considerations.
The worid needs peace.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Humankind has lost itself to evil deeds. Men and Women are unloving , antagonistic to each other and very corrupt. No one is faithful. All have become selfish , greedy and liars. None can be trusted.
The Clergy are most corrupt , criminal and disobedient to God. They deceive and extort funds and property from their followers. Each is tricked with spurious scripture quotations. To part with 10 % of their monthly income for dubious religious activities. Activities that only enrich greedy , selfish and irresponsible men and women faking to be serving God as part of the Clergy.
Peace is lacking for love is absent. Until humankind reflect and introspect seriously and truly about self and God. And come to realization that all are one and the same. That we cannot sensibly dislike , damage and unlove ourselves. We may continue to be in great turmoil. With no hope in a good future.
Wars , murders and destruction of lives and properties are everywhere under the command of America , the Chief Terrorist and Satanist. War is a racket. It is waged to make profit from misery , impoverishment and death of innocent peoples. America must be rejected. It is too evil to be alive with good humankind. Millions have been murdered by American dirty Wars in every continent. Millions are displaced and made homeless , stateless and miserable by irrational and evil US Regime Change Syndrome.
Dotard heads America and the moron is provoking DPR of Korea and others Withthreats and Sanctions. The idiot and demented is on a World War III mission. The insane thinks Nuclear War is good , fine and lovely. The greatest threat today is America under a senile and mentally unhealthy presidency.
The World must stand up to US and be on the side of DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KOREA. Russia and China should stop flirting with America.


Christians have been misled by the Clergy into Satan Worship. They have more faith in fake Miracle Working Pastors. Salvation is replaced with love of the World , becoming rich and successful in the world.
Satanic activities characterize everything that goes on during Christian Meetings. Anti Word of God prevails supreme. Tongues are spoken loudly and in chaos with no understanding of what its being said. This is done contrary to clear teachings on Speaking In Tongues as in Scripture 1 CORINTHIANS 14 VERSES 20 TO 28.
Christianity is trapped in Satanism and the Clergy are servants of Father of Lies , Satan the great adversary of God. Monies are demanded by pastors from their followers. For prayers to solve mundane problems or challenges. The followers have been deceived , brainwashed and haue more faith in their pastors than God. Meetings are dominated by mercinary considerations. Pastors are growing fat , rich and very happy on the sweat of the followers. Who are forced through trickery to pay 10 percent of their monthly incomes to their pastors.
Pastors are gods ! And greater than God. They command God to heal and act according to their desires and wishes.
Sanity has eluded Christianity. And insanity is everywhere. Many Christians are refusing to think and to see through evil machinations of their pastors.
Pastors are sleeping with followers and married members of their sects. The Church which is an Assembly of Believers whose activities are in the NAME OF JESUS THE CHRIST , that is according to Word of God , does not exist in Christianity. The Lord Jesus the Christ said where two or three have gather in my name , there I AM. Jesus the Christ is absent in Christian Meetings because of anti Word of God activities. Word of God is found in the Bible.
Where is God. Is God asleep, dead or alive.